


Sample Sizes for Paraffin Section of Amphibian Skin-a Case Study of Capillary Density in <i>Leptobrachium boringii</i>

作者:许双1,2, 戴强1, 张丕珠1,2, 郑渝池1*

Author:1. 中国科学院成都生物研究所, 成都 610041;
2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049

收稿日期:2020-01-16          年卷(期)页码:2020,39(3): 274-280,():-


Journal Name:Sichuan Journal of Zoology


Key words:paraffin section; amphibian; skin; capillary density; sampling design; resampling



石蜡切片是量化两栖动物各种皮肤特征的常用技术,但在两栖动物中缺乏取样标准。血管密度等无法直接度量的特性可能需要较大的样本量,探讨这类特征的取样标准有利于实践工作。本研究对雄性峨眉髭蟾Leptobrachium boringii表皮下毛细血管丰富度进行量化,并通过重抽样分析该特征所需样本量。实验获得2只个体10个部位数据,每个部位模拟29种抽样。结果显示,体型较小个体多数部位需接近20条组织或更高的样本量,体型较大个体多数部位所需样本量接近15条或更高。建议在两栖类皮肤石蜡切片工作中对全部有效切片进行制片,以满足不同特征对样本量的要求。表皮下毛细血管丰富度与所需样本量呈负相关关系,可能缘于高密度部位的血管分布更均匀。如在其他两栖动物类群中亦观察到该相关性,则有助于在量化该特征时合理选取样本量。


Paraffin section is commonly used for skin characterization in amphibians. However, the standard of sampling design for this group of animals still remains largely unexplored. Because characteristics such as capillary density that cannot be measured directly may require large sample sizes, an exploration of the ideal sampling design for quantifying them will be beneficial. In this study, we quantified the density of capillaries beneath the epidermis in the Emei mustache toad (Leptobrachium boringii) and examined the required sample size through resampling simulations. We obtained the sections for 10 body regions of 2 males, and compared 29 simulated sampling designs with the actual one. The results showed that for most regions, a minimum sample size of approximately 20 sections or more were required for the small individual and 15 sections or more for the large individual. We suggested that all paraffin sections of an amphibian skin sample should be prepared for quantification, which may require an intensive sampling effort for certain characteristics. Capillary densities were significantly negatively correlated with sample sizes required. This could be partly explained by a more even distribution of capillaries in regions with higher capillary densities. Such a correlation might contribute to sampling design if it could be confirmed in other amphibians by further studies.

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