


Application and Estimation of Subjective Criterion for Judging Immune Status of Recurrent Aphthous Ulceration Patients


Author:LIN Jing-wen, ZHOU Hong-mei, CHEN Qian-ming, SHEN Jun, ZHENG Hua, LI Bing-qi

收稿日期:2006-02-25          年卷(期)页码:2006,24(01):29-


Journal Name:West China Journal of Stomatology


Key words:recurrentaphthousulceration,immunestatus,subjectivejudgment,




目的 评价判定复发性阿弗他溃疡(RAU)患者免疫功能状况主观判定标准的科学性及可行性。方法 选择60例RAU患者,详细记录其年龄、性别、体质状况、系统性疾病史、RAU病情严重程度等临床资料,依据自拟的判定标准获得其免疫状况主观判定结果。同时检测60例患者外周血各项免疫指标,获得免疫状况客观检测结果。以客观检测结果作为金标准,采用敏感度、特异度、阳性似然比和阴性似然比等指标,对主观判定方法作出评价。结果 ①主观判定结果:免疫异常者占86.67%,其中免疫亢进者占28.33%,低下者占58.33%;客观检测结果:免疫异常者占93.33%,其中亢进者占23.33%,低下者占70.00%。②采用主观判定方法判断免疫功能异常的敏感度为89.29%,特异度为50.00%,阳性似然比为1.78,阴性似然比为0.22;判断免疫亢进的敏感度为42.86%,特异度为76.09%,阳性似然比为1.79,阴性似然比为0.75;判断免疫低下的敏感度为64.29%,特异度为55.56%,阳性似然比为1.45,阴性似然比为0.64。结论 综合RAU患者的临床资料来判定其免疫功能有一定科学性和可行性。


Objective To adopt a criterion summarized in long-term practice to judge the immune status of recurrent aphthous ulceration(RAU)patients, and to analyze its rationality and feasibility. Methods 60 cases were included, whose clinical information, such as age, sex, constitution status, history of system diseases and severity of ulceration were collected. The subjective judgement results of the immune status were obtained according to the criterion summarized in clinical practice. At the same time, peripheral blood parameters about immune function were examined in order to obtain the objective examination results of the immune status. With the examination result as the gold standard, the rationality of the criterion was estimated through its sensitivity and specificity. Results According to subjective judgment, there were 86.67% cases with abnormal immune status(28.33% cases with elevated immune status, and 58.33% cases with reduced immune status). According to objective examination, there were 93.33% cases with abnormal immune status(23.33% cases with elevated immune status, and 70.00% cases with reduced immune status. Sensitivity and specificity were 89.29% and 50.00% when the criterion was used to judge immune abnormality, 42.86% and 76.09% when the criterion was used to judge immune elevation, and 64.29% and 55.56% when the criterion was used to judge immune reduction. Conclusion It is of some rationality and feasibility to judge the immune status according to the criterion based on clinical information,and the criterion can be used in small clinics.


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