Comparison on the Shaping Ability of Three Different Instruments in Preparing Curved Molar Canals
Author:ZHUYa-qin,GU Ying-xin,DURong
收稿日期:2005-10-25 年卷(期)页码:2005,23(05):393-
Journal Name:West China Journal of Stomatology
Key words:curved root canal,root canal preparation,modified step-back technique,crown-down technique,apical,
目的 研究手用ProTaper与不锈钢K锉、镍钛合金K锉预备磨牙弯曲根管对根管弯曲度和根尖偏移的影
响。方法 45个弯曲度为20°~40°的磨牙根管,按弯曲度大小排序后分成15个区组,每区组3个根管,再随机分配
比较3组间根管弯曲度的变化、根尖偏移指数(ATI)和操作时间。结果 A组的根管弯曲度在根管预备前后仅改变
Objective To study the changes of root canal curvatures and apical transportation index when the curved root ca- nals were prepared by hand-use ProTaper, stainless steel K-files or nickel-titanium K-files.Methods Forty-five extracted mo- lars, with the degree of root canal curvature from twenty to forty, were divided into fifteen sections in curvature sequence. After that, three canals of each section were randomly distributed to three different instrumentation groups. One group of themwas pre- pared by hand-use ProTaperwith crown-down technique. The othertwo groupswere instrumented by stainless steel or nickel titani- um K-files with modified step-back technique to working length. The standard digital radiographs were taken to record the profiles of root canals and the positions of the tips of the instruments. The change of curvature degree between pre- and post-instrumenta- tion and the apical transportation indexes (ATI) among three groups were analyzed respectively using SAS statistical software.Re- sults The change of curvature degree between pre- and post-instrumentation for stainless steel K-files groupwas largest, and the ATI of stainless steel K-files group was significantly greater than that for nickel titanium K-files group (P