Objective To evaluate the possibility for removal of resinifying agent, time required for removal and the working length loss by Resosolv or Chloroform.Methods 40 human teeth (80 root canals) obturated with FR phenolaldehyde agentwere divided into four groups, 20 root canals per group. Group A: Resosolv with K file; group B: chloroform with K file; group C: Resosolv with Ultrasonic K file; group D: Chloroform with ultrasonic K file. Calculating the percentage for removal of resinifying agent, time required for removal and theworking length loss.Results The effectiveness of Resosolv for removing resinifying agent was better than chloroform. 87.5% of canals could be negotiated by Resosolv; 45% of canals be negotiated by chloroform.Con- clusion Resosolv is an effective solvent for canals obturated with resinifying agent.