


Effect evaluation of different methods for removal of root canal filling materials

作者:杨雯君, 韩佳佳, 王逸尘, 李凤翔, 杜启涛

Author:Yang Wenjun, Han Jiajia, Wang Yichen, Li Fengxiang, Du Qitao

收稿日期:2022-06-12          年卷(期)页码:2022,40(6):685-685-689


Journal Name:West China Journal of Stomatology

关键字:根管再治疗,根管预备,WaveOne,ProTaper Universal,根管充填材料,

Key words:root canal retreatment,root canal preparation,WaveOne,ProTaper Universal,root canal filling material,



目的 评价3种不同方法在根管再治疗中去除根管内充填材料的效果。 方法 收集以牙胶和塑化材料为充填物的磨牙牙根各45个,分别随机分为3组(n=15)。使用WaveOne(WaveOne组)、1#P钻+WaveOne(1#P钻+WaveOne组)、P5超声工作尖ET25+ProTaper Universal(P5+ProTaper Universal组)去除根管内充填材料并完成根管预备,记录操作时间;测量牙根剖面根管壁残留充填材料面积百分比;计算牙胶充填根管样本再治疗后根管偏移度。 结果 根充材料类型和预备方法对充填材料残留面积百分比无显著影响(P>0.05),但根尖1/3的充填材料残留面积百分比高于颈1/3(P<0.05)。WaveOne组及1#P钻+WaveOne组取出牙胶或塑化材料平均用时少于P5+ProTaper Universal组(P=0.000)。预备方法对根管弯曲度无显著影响(P=0.650)。 结论 根管再治疗取出充填物时,WaveOne在清洁能力、中心定位能力方面与ProTaper Universal相似,且可以独立用于大多数没有通路的根管,简化根管再治疗的疏通过程。


ObjectiveThis study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of three methods in root canal retreatment to remove the filling material in the root canals.MethodsNinety tooth roots filled by gutta percha or plasticized material (n=45, each) were randomly divided into three groups (n=15). WaveOne (WaveOne group), 1#P drill+WaveOne (1#P+WaveOne group), and ultrasound P5 working end ET25+ProTaper Universal (P5+ProTaper Universal group) were used to remove the root canal filling material and prepare for root canal. The operating time of each canal was recorded and the percentage of residual filling material area was measured on the root canal wall of the mesial and distal dissected root section. The degree of deviation of the root canal after operation was measured for the root samples filled by gutta percha.ResultsThe type of root filling material and the method of root canal retreatment had no significant effect on the percentage of residual area of the filling material (P>0.05). However, the remaining filling material area of apical 1/3 of the root canal was significantly higher than that of cervical 1/3 of the root canal (P<0 .05). the average operating times for removing gutta-percha or plasticized material in the w and 1#P+WaveOne groups were significantly less than that in the P5+ProTaper Universal group (P=0.000). The root canal retreatment methods had no significant effect on the curvature of the root canal (P=0.650).ConclusionWaveOne single file's cleaning ability and center positioning ability were similar to those of ProTaper Universal. Moreover, WaveOne can be independently used for most root canals without a pathway when removing the root canal fillings, thereby simplifying the process of root canal retreatment.



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