Objective To investigate characteristics of the bordermandibularmovement of the adolescentwithAngleⅢmaloc- clusion and to find the correlations between craniofacial morphology and border mandibular movement function.Methods The subjects consisted of 21 adolescent patients with AngleⅢmalocclusion in the initial stage of permanent dentition(mean age 12·3 years). 20 adolescents with individual normal occlusion served as control (mean age 12·8 years). The border mandibular move- ment of all cases in the two groupswere traced and recorded byK6-1 Evaluation System and standardized lateral cephalogramswere taken.Results The results revealed no significant difference in the maximal movement range between two groups, but indicated a positive association between the maximum jawopening and both the mandible length(Go-Gn) and the L1-MP. The distance from ICP to maximal opening (D) was positively correlated with facial height and the L1-MP. While to adolescentswith individual nor- mal occlusion, the wider the maximal jawopeningwas, the bigger the posterior facial height and the cephalometric values of man- dibular ramus. The distance D positively correlated with the anterior lower facial height.Conclusion AngleⅢmalocclusion had its characteristics in the tracing and had a specific relationship with the craniofacial morphology.