


A Cheat-proof Dynamic (t,n) Threshold Multi-secret Sharing Scheme

作者:甘元驹(广东海洋大学 信息学院,广东 湛江524088);谢仕义(广东海洋大学 信息学院,广东 湛江524088);付东洋(广东海洋大学 信息学院,广东 湛江524088)

Author:(School of Info., Guangdong Ocean Univ., Zhanjiang 524088,China);(School of Info., Guangdong Ocean Univ., Zhanjiang 524088,China);(School of Info., Guangdong Ocean Univ., Zhanjiang 524088,China)

收稿日期:2005-12-20          年卷(期)页码:2006,38(6):131-134


Journal Name:Advanced Engineering Sciences


Key words:secret sharing; discrete logarithm; dynamic threshold; Lagrange interpolation formula

基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(60173041); 广东海洋大学自然科学基金资助项目(0512134)




In the most present threshold multi-secret sharing scheme, there were some security problems, such as each participant’s shadow was generated by the dealer and the dealer would regenerate participant’s shadow when a participant was added or deleted. To overcome these problems, a (t,n) multi-secret sharing scheme based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem and Lagrange Interpolation Formula was proposed which could adjust the threshold value of a secret dynamically. This scheme has the following properties: 1)Each participant selected his shadow by himself and the dealer don’t know the shadow of any participant; 2)There was no secure channel between the dealer and the participants; 3)The dealer could adjust the threshold value depending on the secure level of different secret; 4)The participant could be dynamically added or deleted without having to redistribute new shadow to the older participant. Moreover, the efficient solutions against multiform cheating of any participant were proposed, therefore the proposed scheme has practicability and highly security.


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