


Phenol Degradation by Heterogeneous Fenton-like Reaction under Microwave Field

作者:徐科峰(华南理工大学 传热强化与过程节能教育部重点实验室,广东 广州 510640);李忠(华南理工大学 传热强化与过程节能教育部重点实验室,广东 广州 510640);夏启斌(华南理工大学 传热强化与过程节能教育部重点实验室,广东 广州 510640)

Author:(Key Lab. of Enhanced Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation, The Ministry of Edu., South China Univ. of Technol., Guangzhou 510640, China);(Key Lab. of Enhanced Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation, The Ministry of Edu., South China Univ. of Technol., Guangzhou 510640, China);(Key Lab. of Enhanced Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation, The Ministry of Edu., South China Univ. of Technol., Guangzhou 510640, China)

收稿日期:2005-10-20          年卷(期)页码:2006,38(6):83-87


Journal Name:Advanced Engineering Sciences


Key words:microwave; heterogeneous Fenton-like reaction; phenol;TOC; degradation



研究了在微波场条件下非均相类Fenton试剂反应降解含酚废水,分别进行了微波场条件下和常规条件下类Fenton试剂反应降解苯酚实验并测定了反应动力学曲线,讨论了温度、微波场功率对苯酚去除率以及TOC去除率的影响,估算了反应活化能。实验结果表明:使用微波辐射可提高非均相类Fenton反应降解含酚废水的反应速率、苯酚去除率和TOC去除率。发现在微波和常规条件下,反应可近似为三级动力学反应。反应活化能估算结果表明,对类Fenton试剂降解苯酚的反应体系施加微波,可降低反应活化能和提高反应速率,微波辐射的功率越大,苯酚转化速率和TOC降解速率就越快。与常规条件下类Fenton试剂降解苯酚的反应相比,施加足够强的微波场,可较明显降低反应活化能和提高反应速率和去除率。当微波辐射功率分别为200 W和600 W时,苯酚降解的反应活化能分别为17.175和15.042 kJ/mol,比常规条件的反应活化能降低了11.48%和22.48%。


Phenol degradation by heterogeneous Fenton-like reaction under microwave field was investigated. The experiments of phenol degradation under microwave field and normal condition were conducted, and the reaction kinetic curves were determined. The effects of reaction temperature and microwave power on the removal rate of phenol and TOC were discussed. The reaction activation energies required for phenol degradation were estimated. Results showed that application of microwave radiation can improve the degradation rate and the removal rate of phenol as well as the removal rate of TOC in the heterogeneous Fenton-like reaction. Overall kinetics of the phenol degradation was nearly third order. The reaction activation energies under the microwave field were lower than that without microwave irradiation. When the microwave power were 200 and 600 W respectively, the corresponding reaction activation energies under the microwave field were 17.175 and 15.042 kJ/mol, respectively which decreased 11.48% and 22.48% in comparison with that when no microwave was used.


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