


A New Method Used to Measure Corneal Elastic Modulus

作者:吴凌(四川大学 生物力学工程实验室,四川 成都 610065);谢毅(四川大学 生物力学工程实验室,四川 成都 610065);樊瑜波(四川大学 生物力学工程实验室,四川 成都 610065)

Author:(Biomechanical Eng. Lab., Sichuan Univ., Chengdu 610065,China);(Biomechanical Eng. Lab., Sichuan Univ., Chengdu 610065,China);(Biomechanical Eng. Lab., Sichuan Univ., Chengdu 610065,China)

收稿日期:2007-11-20          年卷(期)页码:2008,40(6):80-85


Journal Name:Advanced Engineering Sciences


Key words:corneal thinkness; protrusion; finite element analysis; elastic modulus

基金项目:教育部新世纪人才计划资助( NCET-04-0862)




In vitro, a new method was used to measure corneal elastic modulus of an integrity rabbit cornea, and keratectomy protrusive displacement and stress changes were contrasted . In ex vivo to research biomechanical changes in the cornea of rabbits, excimer laser incision was performed in laser in situ keratomileusis. In the condition of hydrostatic pressure on the corneal inner surface, three corneas such as integrity, 1/3 ablation and 1/2 ablation in thickness and 6 mm diameter in central regions were scanned, and the protusive displacement in different corneal centers was calculated. Using Abaqus finite element software to establish the corresponding models, the rabbit corneal elastic modulus with accessed protrusive displacement were calculated. Calculated rabbit corneal elastic modulus increases with increased keratectomy volume. The tendency of the elastic modulus is consistent with the clinical detection. The more stress and the more displacement is in the model of the thinner central region.The displacement and stress are not rapidly changing in ablation border.


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