

一种结合全零块检测和纹理特征的快速帧内 预测模式选择算法

A Fast H.264 Intra Prediction Algorithm Using All Zero Block Detection and Texture Feature

作者:沈礼权(上海大学 新型显示技术及系统应用教育部重点实验室,上海 200072);张兆扬(上海大学 新型显示技术及系统应用教育部重点实验室,上海 200072);刘志(上海大学 新型显示技术及系统应用教育部重点实验室,上海 200072)

Author:(Key Lab. of Advanced Display and System Appli., Ministry of Edu., Shanghai Univ., Shanghai 200072, China);(Key Lab. of Advanced Display and System Appli., Ministry of Edu., Shanghai Univ., Shanghai 200072, China);(Key Lab. of Advanced Display and System Appli., Ministry of Edu., Shanghai Univ., Shanghai 200072, China)

收稿日期:2006-02-24          年卷(期)页码:2007,39(1):134-139


Journal Name:Advanced Engineering Sciences

关键字:H.264; 全零检测;帧内预测;率失真优化

Key words:H.264; all zero block detection; intra prediction; rate distortion on optimization



在H.264的帧内编码算法中,提出了从多个方向进行多种模式预测。为使率失真性能最优,需要对所有17种候选模式进行遍历,从中选择最适合的模式,这无疑会大大增加了编码器的计算复杂度。为避免多余候选模式的遍历,提出了一种快速 H.26帧内预测模式选择算法。该算法结合了3个准则来加快编码速度,一是相邻块预测模式相关性准则,二是基于结合全零块提前中止准则, 三是基于纹理特性的预测模式尺寸预先选择准则。先根据相邻宏块的预测模式来预先判别待编码宏块的预测模式; 若预测模式不符合提前中止准则,就根据纹理的复杂度来预先选择


A new H.264 fast intra prediction algorithm was proposed to improve the encoder speed using three criterion, such as mode correlation of neighboring macroblocks, early termination based on all zero block detection, and the prediction of intra mode size using texture feature of macroblock. The simulation results showed that, compared with full search algorithm, the encoding frames per second (fps) of the proposed algorithm increases 42.45%~73.71% with similar coding efficiency. Compared with FIPAMP algorithm, the fps of the proposed algorithm increases 23.19%~55.83% with similar coding efficiency.


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