

厌氧-好氧一体化反应器固定化微生物 处理茶多酚废水实验研究

Study on the Integrated Anaerobic-aerobic Reactor of Immobilized Microbe to Treat the Tea Polyphenols Production Wastewater

作者:梅丽(宜宾学院 生物工程系,四川 宜宾 644007);杨平(四川大学 建筑与环境学院,四川 成都 610065);郭勇(四川大学 建筑与环境学院,四川 成都 610065)

Author:(Dept. of Bioeng., Yibin College, Yibin 644007, China);(School of Architecture and Environment Eng., Sichuan Univ., Chengdu 610065, China);(School of Architecture and Environment Eng., Sichuan Univ., Chengdu 610065, China)

收稿日期:2006-02-16          年卷(期)页码:2007,39(1):83-87


Journal Name:Advanced Engineering Sciences


Key words:



茶多酚是一种天然抗氧化剂,其生产废水极难处理。经改性剂碱式氯化铝与硅藻土精土预处理后,采用厌氧-好氧一体化反应器固定化微生物处理茶多酚废水,实验表明:在26~30 ℃的温度下,当反应器进水CODCr浓度为5200~18100 mg/L,有机容积负荷为6.4~20.2 kgCOD/(m3·d),茶多酚浓度为160~1360 mg/L,色度为1000倍时,CODCr去除率为90%~99%,茶多酚去除率为75%~98%,色度的去除率分别为90%~94%;经SEM观察发现,一体式反应器系统中厌氧区和好氧区的生物颗


Tea polyphenols was a kind of natural antioxidant. Its production wastewater was hardly treated. After the pretreatment with the modified aluminium chloride and the celatom, the tea polyphenols wastewater was treated by the integrated anaerobic-aerobic reactor of immobilized microbe. At 26~30 ℃, when the inlet CODCr, OLR, tea polyphenols and chroma were 6.4~20.2 kg COD/(m3·d), 5200~18000 mg/L, 160~1360 mg/L and 1000, The removal rates of the CODCr, Tea Polyphenols and chroma removal rates were 90%~99%, 75%~98% and 90%~94%, respectively. From the SEM pictures of bio particles, It was found that the particles of A and O parts were very close to sphere, a large quantities of microbial colonies accreted at the face and in the holes of the particles and the microbe in the holes well grew than at the face. The anaerobic microbial colonies mostly were similar to Methanithrix sp., Methanosarcina, and the aerobic were bacilli. On the base of the Monod’s equation, the reaction kinetics models of tea polyphenols were gotten. These results proved that the integrated anaerobic aerobic reactor of immobilized microbe can be adapted to treat the high concentration tea polyphenols wastewater.


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