Research on System Configuration of Pumped Storage Power Station Mutually Complemented by Wind and Light Energy
作者:陈新(四川大学 水利水电学院, 四川 成都 610065);赵文谦(四川大学 水利水电学院, 四川 成都 610065);万久春(成都市市政工程设计院,四川 成都 610015)
Author:(School of Water Resource and Hydropower,Sichuan Univ., Chengdu 610065, China);(School of Water Resource and Hydropower,Sichuan Univ., Chengdu 610065, China);(Chengdu Municipal Eng. Design Inst., Chengdu 610015,China)
收稿日期:2006-05-17 年卷(期)页码:2007,39(1):53-57
Journal Name:Advanced Engineering Sciences
Key words:complemented energy model;multi-energy(wind, sunlight, water) utilize;system configuration; Tibet Ali
风光互补抽水蓄能电站是集合了传统水能与风、光新能源各自优势的一种新的多能互补开发方式。针对西藏阿里地区独特的自然地理条件,提出了这种开发方式的能量、水量平衡和抽水系统容量的计算模型,按成本电价和单位千瓦投资最低建立了风光互补抽水蓄能电站系统配置的优化模型。对阿里地区风光互补抽水蓄能电站进行了系统配置实例分析研究, 得到了水能、光能和风能容量的最佳配比和相应容量配置要求。研究成果表明,这种多能互补开发方式可克服目前火电站及光伏电站成本电价高和运行维护技术要求高的缺点,具有独特的技术、经济优势, 是解决阿里地
The pumped storage power station complemented by wind and light energy is a new way of energy development which assembles the respective advantages of the traditional hydropower, wind and light energy. The mathematic model of the energy and water equilibrium and the pumping system capacity were raised according to the unique natural geographic condition in Tibet Ali. The optimum model was set up in which the cost price of electricity and investment per kilowatt is lowest. The research was done on the system configuration of the pumped storage power station complemented by wind and sunlight energy for the example in Ali. Then the best match proportion and the corresponding storage configuration requirement of hydropower, sunlight and wind energy were proposed. The result reveals that the shortage of higher cost price of electricity and demand of operation safeguard could be improved for the way of energy developing which give a further indication of the unique technical and economic advantages. It is a good way to solve the energysupply for the area of Tibet Ali.