


Effect of Ultrasonic Field on Extracting Oil From Sunflower Seed Using Sub-critical Carbon Dioxide

作者:谭伟(华南理工大学 轻工与食品学院,广东 广州510640);丘泰球(华南理工大学 轻工与食品学院,广东 广州510640)

Author:(College of Light Industry and Food Sci., South China Univ. of Technol., Guangzhou 510640,China);(College of Light Industry and Food Sci., South China Univ. of Technol., Guangzhou 510640,China)

收稿日期:2006-07-01          年卷(期)页码:2007,39(3):72-77


Journal Name:Advanced Engineering Sciences


Key words:ultrasonic field; sub-critical carbon dioxide; extraction; sunflower seed oil



以葵花籽为原料,研究了超声场对亚临界CO2萃取葵花籽油的影响。实验结果表明,超声场能够明显提高亚临界CO2萃取葵花籽油萃取率,在压力为25 MPa、温度为30 ℃、流速为 3 L/h时,萃取240 min后超声作用(100 W/L、4 s/ 6s)和未加超声的萃取率分别为94.81%和74.82%;超声功率密度和频率对萃取率具有较大影响,随着超声功率密度的增大,萃取率增加,而20 kHz与38 kHz超声相比,20 kHz超声对萃取更为有利;采用4 s/6 s的超声辐射方式比较合理;超声作用起始时间对葵花籽油萃取率也有一定的影响。GC/MS结果显示超声作用没有改变葵花籽油组成成分以及各成分的结构。提出了超声强化的可能机理是超声波动效应和热效应。


Effect of ultrasonic field on extracting oil from sunflower seed using sub-critical carbon dioxide was studied. Experimental results indicated that the extraction yields of sunflower seed oil using sub-critical carbon dioxide could be obviously enhanced by ultrasonic field. After extracting 240 minutes, extraction yields with ultrasound(100 W/L, 4 s/6 s) and without ultrasound were 94.81% and 74.82% under 25 MPa, 30 ℃ and 3 L/h, respectively. Density of ultrasonic power and ultrasonic frequency fairly greatly affected the extraction yield, with increasing of density of ultrasonic power, extraction yield enhanced. Compared with 38 kHz ultrasound, 20 kHz ultrasound had advantage of extraction. It was reasonable to adapt 4 s/6 s model of ultrasonic wave irradiation, at the same time, initiation time of ultrasonication had some effects on the extraction yield. Results of GC/MS analysis showed that ultrasonication had not changed ingredients of sunflower seed oil and structure of every component. The mechanism of ultrasound enhancement in sub critical carbon dioxide might be attributed to mechanical fluctuant and thermal effects.


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