


Complex Response of Tidal Flow to Multiple Bridges in Qiantang River

作者:孙志林(浙江大学 水利与海洋工程学系,浙江 杭州310028);黄赛花(浙江大学 水利与海洋工程学系,浙江 杭州310028);祝丽丽(浙江大学 水利与海洋工程学系,浙江 杭州310028)

Author:(Dept. of Hydraulic and Ocean Eng., Zhejiang Univ., Hangzhou 310028,China);(Dept. of Hydraulic and Ocean Eng., Zhejiang Univ., Hangzhou 310028,China);(Dept. of Hydraulic and Ocean Eng., Zhejiang Univ., Hangzhou 310028,China)

收稿日期:2006-05-18          年卷(期)页码:2007,39(5):10-15


Journal Name:Advanced Engineering Sciences


Key words:Qiantang River; tidal flow; complex response; bridge; numerical simulation





Many bridges have been and will be built up on Qiantang River,but so far people know little about the effect of multiple bridges on the tidal current.Delft3D mathematic model is used to numerical experiment on tidal current in Qiantang River with some different bridge schemes so that complex response of tidal flow to multiple bridges is studied.In comparison with the scheme of no bridges,velocity decreases upstream and downstream for single bridge scheme and the region of backwater in the strength of flood is more than 10 km.The lower bridge lied,the greater variation of tidal velocity was.Response of tidal flow to multiple bridges was complicated.In the region where multiple bridges’ effect occurred, tidal current velocity is obviously reduced,and the gradational decrease of velocity at the same point exists along with the increase in bridge number.The influence of bridges to tidal level superposed at the upstream and downstream of all bridges in each scheme,while this partially counteracted between multiple bridges.The tidal prism decreased due to bridge piers,especially for the case of multiple bridges.


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