Study on Cutting Performance of Coated Carbide Tools in Milling of Powder Metallurgy Superalloy
作者:乔阳(山东大学 机械工程学院,高效洁净机械制造教育部重点实验室);艾兴(山东大学 机械工程学院,高效洁净机械制造教育部重点实验室);刘战强(山东大学 机械工程学院,高效洁净机械制造教育部重点实验室);赵军(山东大学 机械工程学院,高效洁净机械制造教育部重点实验室)
Author:Qiao Yang(College of Mechanical Eng., Shandong Univ., Key Lab. of High Efficiency and Clean Mechanical Manufacture, Ministry of Education);Ai Xing(College of Mechanical Eng., Shandong Univ., Key Lab. of High Efficiency and Clean Mechanical Manufacture, Ministry of Education);Liu Zhanqiang(College of Mechanical Eng., Shandong Univ., Key Lab. of High Efficiency and Clean Mechanical Manufacture, Ministry of Education);Zhao Jun(College of Mechanical Eng., Shandong Univ., Key Lab. of High Efficiency and Clean Mechanical Manufacture, Ministry of Education)
收稿日期:2009-06-14 年卷(期)页码:2010,42(3):206-210
Journal Name:Advanced Engineering Sciences
Key words:powder metallurgy superalloy; coated carbide tool; cutting performance; wear mechanism; failure
针对粉末冶金高温合金材料的铣削特性,选择了合理的铣刀盘和刀片材质。通过刀具磨损与寿命对比试验优选出了最佳的刀片几何参数,并给出了铣削过程中硬质合金铣刀片的典型磨、破损形态。研究结果表明:TiAlN-TiN涂层硬质合金刀片适于精铣粉末冶金高温合金,在30~70 m/min的铣削速度范围内,刀具寿命可达20~108 min。由于材料切削温度高和机械冲击严重,涂层刀具的主要失效形式为:崩刃和前刀面的剥落,其主要机理为高温条件下磨粒磨损、粘结磨损、扩散磨损和疲劳损坏的综合作用。
Based on the analysis of milling characteristic, reasonable geometric parameters of milling cutler and coated carbide grade were selected. Reasonable geometric parameters of insert were also selected through contrast experiment of tool wear resistance and tool life, and typical wear and failure form of coated carbide tools during the milling process were presented. It was shown that TiAlN-TiN coated carbide is the proper tool material for the milling process of powder metallurgy superalloy, and the cutting tool life has reached to 20~108 min within the cutting speed region of 30~70 m/min. Because of the high milling temperature and severe mechanical shock, main wear and failure form of experimental inserts can be described as chipping and peeling off in the rake face, the primary mechanisms are abrasive, adhesion, diffusion and fatigue failure.