


Developing Mechanism for Collapse Disaster in Rocky Mountain Area—— Taking Mt. Hongyan in the National Scenic Spots of Simianshan as an Example

作者:陈洪凯(重庆交通大学岩土工程研究所;重庆大学 西南资源开发及环境灾害控制工程教育部重点实验室);鲜学福(重庆大学 西南资源开发及环境灾害控制工程教育部重点实验室);唐红梅(重庆大学 西南资源开发及环境灾害控制工程教育部重点实验室)

Author:Chen Hongkai(Inst. of Geotechnical Eng., Chongqing Jiaotong Univ.;Key Lab. for the Exploitation of Southwestern Resources and the Environmental Disaster Control Eng., Ministry of Education, Chongqing Univ.);Xian Xuefu(Key Lab. for the Exploitation of Southwestern Resources and the Environmental Disaster Control Eng., Ministry of Education, Chongqing Univ.);Tang Hongmei(Key Lab. for the Exploitation of Southwestern Resources and the Environmental Disaster Control Eng., Ministry of Education, Chongqing Univ.)

收稿日期:2009-01-21          年卷(期)页码:2010,42(3):1-6


Journal Name:Advanced Engineering Sciences


Key words:collapse disaster; base rupture under pressure; chained principle; sourse of collapse;perilous rock;Mt. Hongyan



崩塌是石质山区主要的地质灾害,崩塌源通常存在稳定性较低的大量危岩体,其形成机制是防治崩塌灾害的关键环节。现场调查发现,四面山国家级风景名胜区红岩山崩塌源的危岩可分为坠落式危岩、倾倒式危岩、座滑式危岩和扶壁式危岩4类,所占比例分别为70%、15%、8%和7%;具有4级陡崖的地形特征、硬质砂岩和软质泥岩交互沉积、近于正交的3组岩体结构面是红岩山崩塌灾害孕发的主要环境地质条件;根据现场观测,岩腔后侧壁泥岩压裂风化速度5.2 cm/a左右,是斜坡表面裸露泥岩气候风化速度的3~6倍,岩腔的形成过程是崩塌灾害演绎的起搏器;运用地貌学方法揭示了红岩山崩塌灾害链式演化规律,当岩腔深度超过3 m后,岩腔顶部的危岩块易于发生崩塌。


Collapse is the dominant geological disaster in rocky mountain area, and usually many individual-perilous rock or bulk-perilous rocks exist in the source of collapse. The formation mechanism of perilous rock is one key link for hazard mitigation of collapse. According to the field investigation, four types of perilous rock at the source of Mt. Hongyan in the national scenic spots of Simianshan are classified as the falling perilous rock, the toppling perilous rock, the sliding perilous rock and the counterfort perilous rock, with the percentage of 70%, 15%, 8% and 7%, respectively. The general geological conditions to trigger the collapse disasters in the Mt. Hongyan are concluded aslandforms with four cliffs, rock composite with sandstone and mudstone alternatively, and three sets of rockmass structure planes with the orthography. Field observations have identified the pacemaker of rock cells in mudstone below cliff, the weathering velocity of mudstone in rockcell under pressure is about 5.2 cm/a, 2~6 times exposing in air. Further, based on the geomorphology the chained principle for the developing of collapse in Mt. Hongyan is revealed. The result shows that collapses are easy to take place when the length of rock cell is over 3 m.


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