


Synthesis and Characterization of Thermo-sensitive Humidity Control Materials

作者:李鑫(华南农业大学理学院;华南理工大学 化工学院,广东省绿色化学产品技术重点实验室);冯伟洪(华南农业大学理学院);李慧玲(华南农业大学理学院);卢其明(华南农业大学理学院);王炳峰(华南农业大学理学院)

Author:Li Xin(College of Sci., South China Agriculture Univ.;Guangdong Provincial Lab. of Green Chemical Technol.,College of Chemical Eng. and Energy, South China Univ.of Technol.);Feng Hongwei(College of Sci., South China Agriculture Univ.);Li Huiling(College of Sci., South China Agriculture Univ.);Lu Qiming(College of Sci., South China Agriculture Univ.);Wang Bingfeng(College of Sci., South China Agriculture Univ.)

收稿日期:2009-09-27          年卷(期)页码:2010,42(4):197-202


Journal Name:Advanced Engineering Sciences


Key words:thermo-sensitive material;humidity control ;composite materials ;water absorption



分别以甲基纤维素、异丙基丙烯酰胺、甲基丙烯酸及丙烯酰胺温敏材料聚合反应得不同种类的温敏型调湿材料,并分别通过间歇式吸附/脱附实验、TG-DTA和FTIR分别表征几种温敏型调湿材料的吸放湿动力学实验、热稳定性及其结构,讨论了不同聚合体温敏性对复合材料吸放湿性能的影响。结果表明:脱附速率随3种温敏材料的低临界溶解温度的降低而增加,异丙基丙烯酰胺与甲基纤维素的共聚物的放湿速率最快,80 ℃条件下10 min可以脱附95%以上;耐盐性较好的甲基纤维素与CaCl2复合制备有机-无机温敏相变材料具有较高的吸湿性能,RH=100%时的吸湿量可以达到1.45 g/g,且所有材料在350 ℃以下具有良好的热稳定性。


Thermo-sensitive materials with different phase transition temperature were synthesized with methyl cellulose(MC), N-Isopropyl acrylamide(NIPAM), methacrylic acid(MAA) and Acrylic amide(AM). The kinetics of moisture absorption/release was studied using batch adsorption/desorption experiment. The thermal decomposition temperature and the structures of the samples were characterized using TG-DT and FTIR, respectively. And the effects of low critical solution temperature (LCST) of thermo-sensitive materials on the moisture absorption/release of humidity-controlling composite material were discussed. Results showed thatthe desorption rate of materials increased with the decrease of LCST of thermo-sensitive materials. The composition material with NIPAM and MC had the fastest rate of release moisture, more than 95% of adsorpted amounts desorpted in 10 minutes at 80 ℃.The organic-inorganic thermo-sensitive phase change material was prepared by MC and CaCl2, and it had a high capacity of moisture absorption of 1.45 g/g at RH(reletive humidity)= 100%, and all materials had good thermal stability under 300 ℃.


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