


Parametric Research on Seismic Response of Large Scale Liquid Storage Tank Isolated by Lead-rubber Bearings

作者:李自力(中国石油大学(华东) 储运与建筑工程学院);李扬(中国石油大学(华东) 储运与建筑工程学院);李洪波(中国石油大学(华东) 储运与建筑工程学院)

Author:Li Zili(College of Transport and Storage and Civil Eng.,China Univ. of Petroleum);Li Yang(College of Transport and Storage and Civil Eng.,China Univ. of Petroleum);Li Hongbo(College of Transport and Storage and Civil Eng.,China Univ. of Petroleum)

收稿日期:2010-05-06          年卷(期)页码:2010,42(5):134-141


Journal Name:Advanced Engineering Sciences


Key words:isolated tank; lead rubber bearing; Bouc-Wen model; seismic response



铅芯橡胶支座(LRB)支座参数的最优设计范围是大型隔震储罐研究的关键问题。研究利用Bouc-Wen模型模拟LRB的力-变形非线性行为,结合Newmark增量法和龙格库塔积分法求解隔震储罐非线性动力方程,得到不同类型场地上大型LRB隔震储罐的地震响应特点,总结出LRB参数对大型隔震储罐地震反应(基底剪力、支座位移、晃动波高)的影响规律。研究表明:支座隔震频率是影响大型隔震储罐减震性能的主要参数。I类场地上最优隔震频率范围为0.5~5 rad/s,II类、III类场地上最优隔震频率范围为2~5 rad/s,IV类场地上最优隔震频率范围为1.5~3 rad/s。支座屈服强度对储罐地震响应的影响取决于场地类型和隔震频率。在II类和III类场地上存在最优屈服强度使得基底剪力最小,并且最优屈服强度随隔震频率增加而增大。


The optimum range of parameters of lead rubber bearing (LRB) for large scale base-isolated tank on different sites is a crucial problem in the research of isolated tank. The Bouc-Wen model was adopted to simulate the non-linear hysteretic characteristics of force-displacement relationship for LRB.The nonlinear equations of motion of isolated tank was solved by the Newmark’s step-by-step method and Runge-kutta method. The seismic response of the large scale based-isolated storage tank with LRB was investigated And the influence of LRB parameters on the response of large scale base-isolated tank on different sites was analyzed. The result indicated that the isolation frequency is the primary parameter that affects the seismic response of the isolated tank. The optimal ranges of isolation frequency of large scale base-isolated tank for site I, site II, site III , and site IV are 0.5~5 rad/s, 2~5 rad/s, 2~5 rad/s and 1.5~3 rad/s respectively. The influence of the yield strength on the seismic response of tank depends on the site type and isolation frequency. There are optimum yield strength that make the base shear attain the minimum value on site II and site III. Further, the optimum yield strength increases as the isolation frequency increases.


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