The selection of the immigrant location for Wenchuan people after the earthquake was carried out using RS and GIS. According to the particularity of this great earthquake, considering sustainable development and capability of responding to future disasters of the seismic disastrous area, eight factors including geological hazards, fault structure, vegetation cover, settlements, roads, water system, gradient, and elevation were considered as for the assessment. Information extraction of these factors and thematic map were carried out by Remote sensing image and digital topographic map, and finally the locating modeling for the research area was developed. The results suggested that the respective ratios of high-suitability area, medium-suitability area, Low-suitability area and non-suitability area are 0.64%, 24.94%, 69.94% and 4.48%, and the distribution of their Location is clear revealed in the figure 11, which could be used as a good reference for decision makers.