


Torsional Fretting Characterization of Polymethylmethacrylate

作者:蔡振兵(西南交通大学);高姗姗(四川大学 口腔疾病医学国家重点实验室);何丽萍(西南交通大学);朱旻昊(西南交通大学)

Author:Cai Zhenbing(Southwet Jiaotong University);Gao Shanshan(State Key Lab. of Oral Diseases,Sichuan Unive.Chengdu);He Liping(State Key Lab. of Traction Power, Tribology Research Inst., Southwest Jiaotong Univ);Zhu Minhao(State Key Lab. of Traction Power, Tribology Research Inst., Southwest Jiaotong Univ)

收稿日期:2008-03-04          年卷(期)页码:2009,41(1):96-101


Journal Name:Advanced Engineering Sciences


Key words:Friction and wear, Fretting,Torsional fretting, PMMA



在新型扭动微动试验机上,进行了聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)与Ф40mmGCr15钢球在扭动角位移幅值为1°~15°和法向载荷为100 N的扭动微动试验。在摩擦动力学行为研究的基础上,分析了材料磨损机理。结果表明:PMMA存在有平行四边形和椭圆两种T-θ曲线;低扭转角时,T-θ曲线随着循环次数的增加从平行四边形向椭圆形发展;大扭转角时,T-θ曲线始终为平行四边形。PMMA的扭动微动磨痕沿半径方向,可依次分为粘着区、微裂纹区和剥落区。在低角位移幅值(θ≤5°)时,扭动微动损伤较轻微;随角位移幅值的增大,损伤加重,表面出现纺锤状剥落坑自中心呈放射状分布,其尺寸随角度增大而变宽。对磨屑的GPC分析结果表明PMMA在扭动微动条件下分子量变小,PMMA扭动微动的磨损机理主要为剥落与表面裂纹。


On a new torsional fretting tester, the torsional fretting tests of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)flat against GCr15 steel ball (with diameter of 40 mm) were carried out with various angular displacement amplitudes from 1° to 30° and imposed a normal load of 100 N. Base on the analysis of the frictional kinetics of torsional fretting, the damage characteristics of PMMA also were discussed in detail. The results indicated that the behaviors of torsional fretting were strongly depended upon the angular displacement amplitudes and the number of cycles, which can be characterized by the curves of friction torque / angular displacement (T-θ).Tow kinds of T-θ curves (i.e. parallelogram and elliptical curves) were observed during the process of torsional fretting. Along the radial direction,the wear scar could be divided to three zones, i.e. the adhesive zone,micro-crack zone and severe damage zone, respectively. The damage of torsional fretting at lower angular displacement amplitude was very slight. And increased with the angular displacement amplitude, the spindle-like shape pits distributed along radiating patterns from contact center can be observed. The result of debris determined by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) showed that the molecular weight of PMMA decreased during the torsional fretting occurred .The wear mechanism performed as delamination and crack.ing.


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