


Research of Electric Power-Steering System Controller Based on Integrity Robust Fault-Tolerant Control Strategy


Author:Tian Da-Qing(School of Manufacturing Science and Engineering,SCU);Yin Guo-Fu(School of Manufacturing Science and Engineering,SCU);Xie Gang(School of Manufacturing Science and Engineering,SCU);Chen Ke(College of Manufacturing Science &Engineering , Sichuan University)

收稿日期:2008-07-09          年卷(期)页码:2009,41(2):245-250


Journal Name:Advanced Engineering Sciences

关键字:容错控制;鲁棒性;完整性; 传感器失效; 电动助力转向系统

Key words:fault-tolerant control;robustness;integrity;sensor failure;Electric Power-Steering System

基金项目:其它国家科技型中小企业创新基金 (05C26115101374) 以及四川省重点科技攻关项目(03GG008-001)




In order to improve the reliability and safety of the Electric Power-Steering System (EPS) system, this paper adopts the integrity robust fault- tolerant control strategy on the design of the feedback controller for EPS System . Based on the Lyapunov stability theory and Lyapunov functions, the paper firstly researches the rule of robust fault- tolerant control which has function integrity for the sensor failure in the linear continuous system which also has some degree of the uncertainty of parameter fluctuation. this paper gives the sufficient -and- necessary conditions for the system itself robustly be stabilized and its design method and steps are given. Then, by applying such integrity robust fault- tolerant controller for the EPS system ,the data simulation results shows that the EPS close-loop system not only has not sensitive for the sensor failure ,which means that EPS system can stably work under some sensor failure condition, but also has robust stability for limited parameter uncertainty.


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