


Using orientation & agglomerating element to study strength cracking location of arch dam


Author:yang ling-qiang(University of Jinan)

收稿日期:2009-11-22          年卷(期)页码:2011,43(1):23-26


Journal Name:Advanced Engineering Sciences


Key words:hydraulic structure; arch dam; attitude of strength cracking; orientation & agglomerating element



确定拱坝裂缝的位置和产状是坝工界研究的前沿课题。拱坝连同地基作为一个复杂的超静定系统,计算规模相当巨大,如何减小计算规模和提高计算效率是拱坝数值分析的瓶颈问题。在现有的计算条件下,利用指定破坏路经的追踪原理,首先定位出拱坝最有可能出现裂缝的区域,将这些区域的单元作为确定裂缝的定位单元,根据工程上确定裂缝位置所需的精度,将这些定位单元进行细分,在细分后的定位单元中确定裂缝的精确位置,细分后定位单元出现原来模型中没有的节点,利用节点刚度凝聚的办法将多余节点的刚度凝聚到初始单元的节点上,利用凝聚的单元总体刚度矩阵置换原来没有破坏的单元刚度矩阵,这样主程序的总体刚度和算法不用改变,定位凝聚算法只是主程序的一个模块,实现减小计算规模和提高计算效率的目的。工程算例表明该方法可以得到裂缝的位置和产状, 根据计算所得到的裂缝位置和产状可以进行拱坝周边缝和底缝等理性裂缝的设置,同时验证了方法的实用性和高效性。


The determination of the position and attitude of the strength cracking of the arch dam has been an advanced research in dam engineering. As a complicated statically indeterminate system, the computation effort on the dam and its foundation is huge. How to decrease the computation scale and improve the computation efficiency was an important problem in numerical analysis of arch dam. With currently computer facilities, the most possible area of the cracking was first located and its elements were used as the locating elements. The locating elements were further divided into smaller elements, from which the accurate position of the cracks were determined. New nodes appeared after the division of the locating elements and these new nodes were attached to the nodes of initial elements by nodes stiffness attaching method. In that case, the element stiffness matrix was replaced with the stiffness matrix of attached elements; the stiffness matrix and the numerical methods of the main program could be kept the same. Since the method of location attaching was just a unit of the main program, the computation scale was decreased and efficiency was improved. The method was used in an example engineering problem and proved to be able to determine the position and attitude of the strength cracking. The method is found to be very useful since the cracking can be rationally estimated in practice..


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