Arnold J. Toynbee on the Impact and Implications of the Second World War
收稿日期: 年卷(期)页码:2016,204(03):-32-40
Journal Name:Journal of Sichuan University (Social Science Edition)
Key words:
②“Professor Toynbee R.I.I.A.to Mr.Passant on 22 November 1946 regarding Chatham House Survey and International Affairs(History of the War and Peace-Making Periods,1939-1951),”FO 370/1344,The National Archives of the UK.
③See William H.McN eill,Arnold J.Toynbee:A Life,New York:Oxford University Press,1989,pp.179-204;Fergus Millar,“Arnold Joseph Toynbee,”Oxford Dictionary of National Biography,http:∥www.oxforddnb.com/templates/article.jsp?articleid=31769&back=,6 October 2014.
①Kenneth W.Thompson,Toynbee's Philosophy of World History and Politics,Baton Rouge:Louisiana State University Press,1985.
②See Ian Hall,“‘Time of Troubles’:Arnold J.Toynbee's Twentieth Century,”International Affairs,Vol.90,No.1,2014,pp.23-36;David Stevenson,“Learning from the Past:The Relevance of International History,”International Affairs,Vol.90,No.1,2014,pp.5-22.
④McN eill,Arnold J.Toynbee,pp.75,80-82.
⑤“Memorandum by Mr.Ronald attached to a Letter from Anthony Eden to Viscount Halifax on 17 September 1942,”U803/27/FO,No.734,in M.L.Dockrill,ed.,British Documents on Foreign Affairs:Reports and Papers from the Foreign Office,Part III,Series L,Vol.2,Bethesda,M.D.:University Publications of America,1998,p.163.
⑥“British-American World Order-Memorandum Prepared by a Sub-committee of the F.R.P.S.[Foreign Research and Press Service],”8 July 1941,CAB 117/98,p.1,The National Archives of the UK.
①“Letter from Arnold J.Toynbee to Columba Cary-Elwes on 24 September 1942,”in Christian B.Peper,ed.,A Historian's Conscience:The Correspondence of Arnold J.Toynbee and Columba Cary-Elwes,Monk of Ampleforth,Boston:Beacon Press,1986,p.121 and note 1.
②Nigel J.Young,ed.,The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace,Oxford:Oxford University Press,2010,p.448.
③“Letter from Arnold Toynbee to Columba on 25 February 1943,”in Peper,ed.,A Historian's Conscience,pp.132-133and note 1.
④British Council,“World Lecture Tour by Professor A.J.Toynbee—1956-1957,Correspondence,”BW 1/212,The National Archives of the UK.
⑤Arnold Toynbee,“The Study of History in the Light of Current Developments,”International Affairs,Vol.24,No.4,October 1948,p.563.
⑥Arnold Toynbee,“Toynbee Meditation,”PMLA,Vol.85,No.1,January 1970,p.124.
①Antony Best,Jussi M.Hanhimaki,Joseph A.Maiolo and Kirsten E.Schulze,International History of the Twentieth Century,London:Routledge,2004,pp.102-103.
②Arnold J.Toynbee,Toynbee on Toynbee:A Conversation between Arnold J.Toynbee and G.R.Urban,New York:Oxford University Press,p.34.
③该系列演讲共分六讲,参见Arnold Toynbee,The World and the West,New York:Oxford University Press,1953.
④“Correspondence from Ralph W.Selby of the British Embassy in Tokyo to Colin T.Crowe of Far Eastern Department of the Foreign Office,”14 December 1956,British Council,“World Lecture Tour by Professor A.J.Toynbee—1956-1957,Correspondence”.
⑦“British-American World Order-Memorandum Prepared by a Sub-committee of the F.R.P.S.[Foreign Research and Press Service],”pp.1-3.
⑧Arnold J.Toynbee,“Introduction,”in F.C.Jones,Hugh Borton and B.R.Pearn,The Far East,1942-1946,London:Oxford University Press,1955,pp.1-3.
⑨Toynbee,Toynbee on Toynbee,p.35.
①Hall,“‘Time of Troubles’:Arnold J.Toynbee's Twentieth Century,”pp.23-36.
②Arnold J.Toynbee,“A Turning-Point in the Cold War,”International Affairs,Vol.26,No.4,October 1950,p.457.
③“Democracy,Communism Will Coexist,”Japan Times,2 October 1956,“Denial of U.N.Seat to China-Toynbee Regrets U.S.Attitude,”The Hindu,12 January 1957,press cuttings in British Council,“World Lecture Tour by Professor A.J.Toynbee—1956-1957,Correspondence”.
④Hall,“‘Time of Troubles’:Arnold J.Toynbee's Twentieth Century,”p.27.
⑤关于卡尔、诺尔-贝克(Philip Noel-Baker)、曼宁(C.A.W.Manning)、齐默恩(A.E.Zimmern)、莫沃特(R.B.Mowat)等与汤因比同时代的英国国际关系学者的思想评述,参见王黎、王梓元:《跨国视角下的世界秩序与国际社会》,天津:天津人民出版社,2012年,第3-66页。
⑥“British-American World Order-Memorandum Prepared by a Sub-committee of the F.R.P.S.[Foreign Research and Press Service],”p.1.
⑦Toynbee,“Introduction,”in Jones,Borton and Pearn,The Far East,p.3.
①Arnold Toynbee and Veronica M.Toynbee,eds.,The Realignment of Europe,London:Oxford University Press,1955,pp.51-53.
②“Denial of U.N.Seat to China-Toynbee Regrets U.S.Attitude”,press cutting in British Council,“World Lecture Tour by Professor A.J.Toynbee—1956-1957,Correspondence”.
③Chris Wrigley,A.J.P.Taylor:Radical Historian of Europe,London:I.B.Tauris&Co.Ltd,2006,p.211.
④Millar,“Arnold Joseph Toynbee”.
⑦“Denial of U.N.Seat to China-Toynbee Regrets U.S.Attitude,”press cutting in British Council,“World Lecture Tour by Professor A.J.Toynbee—1956-1957,Correspondence”.
②“British-American World Order-Memorandum Prepared by a Sub-committee of the F.R.P.S.[Foreign Research and Press Service],”p.17.
③“Denial of U.N.Seat to China-Toynbee Regrets U.S.Attitude,”press cutting in British Council,“World Lecture Tour by Professor A.J.Toynbee—1956-1957,Correspondence”.
⑤“British-American World Order-Memorandum Prepared by a Sub-committee of the F.R.P.S.[Foreign Research and Press Service],”p.23.
⑥“British-American World Order-Memorandum Prepared by a Sub-committee of the F.R.P.S.[Foreign Research and Press Service],”p.17.
⑦McN eill,Arnold J.Toynbee,p.81.
⑧Arnold J.Toynbee,A Study of History,Vol.10,London:Oxford University Press,1954,pp.234-235.
②Arnold J.Toynbee,“Foreword,”in William Hardy McN eill,America,Britain,and Russia:Their Co-operation and Conflict,1941-1946,London:Oxford University Press,1953,pp.vi-vii.
④Arnold Toynbee,Surviving the Future,London:Oxford University Press,1971,p.66.
⑤“Arnold Toynbee in Japan,”The Mainichi,25 November 1956,press cutting in British Council,“World Lecture Tour by Professor A.J.Toynbee—1956-1957,Correspondence”.
⑥Toynbee,Surviving the Future,pp.47-49,66.
⑦Thompson,Toynbee's Philosophy of World History and Politics,p.6.
①See“Report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations,”21 August 2000,A/55/305-S/2000/809,United Nations;“Peacebuilding in the Aftermath of Conflict,”23 September 2014,A/69/399-S/2014/694,United Nations.