The Anticlerical Movement in Mexican Revolution and its Evaluation
收稿日期: 年卷(期)页码:2016,204(03):-23-31
Journal Name:Journal of Sichuan University (Social Science Edition)
Key words:
①对于墨西哥革命时期政教冲突中的具体问题,早期的官方史学派采取了政教二元对立的框架,其解释带有浓厚的意识形态色彩,如Alfonso Toro,La Iglesia y el Estado en México:estudio sobre los conflictos entre el clero católica y los gobiernos mexicanos desde la independencia hasta nuestros días,México,D.F.:Talleres Gráficos de la Nación,1927;Emilo Portes Gil,La lucha entre el poder civil y el clero:estudio histórico y jurídico,México D.F.:Talleres Gráficos de la Nación,1934.1960年代以来,修正派史学家试图突破墨西哥官方史学固有的意识形态偏见,将研究范围扩展到各个层面,并对墨西哥政教冲突兴起的历史背景和评价进行了再探讨,代表著作有Alicia Olivera Sedano,Aspectos del conflicto religioso de 1926 a 1929:sus antecedentes y consecuencias,Mexico:Instituto Nacional de Antropologiáe Historia,1966;Robert E.Quirk,The Mexican Revolution and the Catholic Church,1910-1929,London:Indiana University Press,1973;Jean A.Meyer,The Cristero Rebellion:The Mexican People between Church and State,1926-1929,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1976;David C.Bailey,!Viva Cristo Rey!The Cristero Rebellion and the Church-State Conflict in Mexico,Austin:University of Texas Press,1974;Peter L.Reich,Mexico's Hidden Revolution:The Catholic Church in Law and Politics since1929,Notre Dame:University of Notre Dame Press,1995.
②部分学者强调这场反教权主义运动的异质性,在承认其积极作用的同时,强调甚至是夸大这场运动的局限性,参见Ben Fallaw,“Varieties of Mexican Revolutionary Anticlericalism:Radicalism,Iconoclasm,and Otherwise,1914-1935,”The Americas,Vol.65,No.4,Apr.2009,pp.481-509;Mary K.Vaughan and Stephen Lewis,eds.,The Eagle and the Virgin:Nation and Cultural Revolution in Mexico,1920-1940,Durham and London:Duke University Press,2006;Matthew Butler,ed.,Faith and Impiety in Revolutionary Mexico,New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2007;Ben Fallaw,ed.,Religion and State Formation in Postrevolutionary Mexico,Durham and London:Duke University Press,2013.
③Philip L.Russell,The History of Mexico:From Pre-Conquest to Present,New York and London:Routledge,2010,p.373.
④宪法的具体条款参见当时的官方报纸,http:∥www.diputados.gob.mx/LeyesB iblio/ref/cpeum/CPEUM_orig_05feb1917_ima.pdf.
①Adrian A.Bantjes,“Saints,Sinners and State Formation:Local Religion and Cultural Revolution in Mexico,”Vaughan and Lewis,eds.,The Eagle and the Virgin,pp.141-142.
②E.V.Niemeyer,Jr,.“Anticlericalism in the Mexican Constitutional Convention of 1916-1917,”The Americas,Vol.11,No.1,Jul.1954,pp.32-43.
③“1917 Protesta que hacen los prelados mexicanos que suscriben,con ocasión de la Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos publicada el día 5 de febrero de 1917,”http:∥www.memoriapoliticademexico.org/Textos/6Revolucion/1917-PPMCnst.html.
④David Espinosa,“‘Restoring Christian Social Order’:The Mexican Catholic Youth Association(1913-1932),”The Americas,Vol.59,No.4,Apr.2003,pp.455-456.
⑥Michael C.Meyer and William L.Sherman,The Course of Mexican History,New York and Oxford:Oxford University Press,1983,p.547.
①David C.Bailey,“Alvaro Obregón and Anticlericalism in the 1910 Revolution,”The Americas,Vol.26,No.2,Oct.1969,pp.196-197.
②Bailey,“Alvaro Obregón and Anticlericalism in the 1910 Revolution,”pp.195-197.
③Jürgen Buchenau,The Last Caudillo:Alvaro Obregón and the Mexican Revolution,Malden,Mass.:John Wiley&Sons,2011,p.126.
④Bailey,!Viva Cristo Rey!The Cristero Rebellion and the Church-State Conflict in Mexico,p.57.
⑤Plutarco Elías Calles,“The Policies of Mexico Today,”Foreign Affairs,Vol.5,No.1,Oct.1926,pp.1-5.
⑥Bailey,!Viva Cristo Rey!The Cristero Rebellion and the Church-State Conflict in Mexico,pp.49,54.
⑦Marta Eugenia García Ugarte,“Los católicos y el presidente Calles,”Revista Mexicana de Sociología,Vol.57,No.3,Jul.-Sep.1995,p.140.
⑧Meyer,The Cristero Rebellion,p.37.
①P.Elias Calles and A.Tejeda,“The Mexican Church Law,”Advocate of Peace through Justice,Vol.88,No.9/10,Sep.-Oct.1926,pp.568-572.
②Bailey,!Viva Cristo Rey!The Cristero Rebellion and the Church-State Conflict in Mexico,p.79.
④Meyer,The Cristero Rebellion,p.49.
⑤Russell,The History of Mexico,p.376.
⑥“Agreement between Mexico and the Catholic Church,”Advocate of Peace through Justice,Vol.91,No.5,Aug.1929,pp.279-280.
⑧Reich,Mexico's Hidden Revolution,p.36.
⑨John B Williman,“Adalberto Tejeda and the Third Phase of the Anticlerical Conflict in Twentieth Century Mexico,”Journal of Church and State,Vol.15,No.3,Autumn 1973,pp.442-443.
②Adrian A.Bantjes,“Idolatry and Iconoclasm in Revolutionary Mexico:The De-Christianization Campaigns,1929-1940,”Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos,Vol.13,No.1,Winter 1997,pp.100-102.
③Armando Martínez Moya and Manuel Moreno Castaeda,Jalisco:desde la revolución,Tomo VII:escuela de la revolución,Guadalajara:Gobierno del Estado de Jalisco and Universidad de Guadalajara,1988,p.203.
④Alan M.Kirshner,“A Setback to Tomas Garrido Canabal's Desire to Eliminate the Church in Mexico,”Journal of Church and State,Vol.13,No.3,Autumn 1971,pp.481-492.
⑤David E.Lorey,“The Revolutionary Festival in Mexico:November 20 Celebrations in the 1920s and 1930s,”The Americas,Vol.54,No.1,Jul.1997,pp.39-82.
⑥Alan Knight,“Popular Culture and the Revolutionary State in Mexico,1910-1940,”The Hispanic American Historical Review,Vol.74,No.3,Aug.1994,p.408.
⑦Adrian A.Bantjes,As If Jesus Walked on Earth:Cardenismo,Sonora,and the Mexican Revolution,Wilmington,Del.:Scholarly Resources,1998,p.16.
①Mary K.Vaughan,Cultural Politics in Revolution:Teachers,Peasants,and Schools in Mexico,1930-1940,Tucson:University of Arizona Press,1997,pp.34-35.
②Stanley E.Hilton,“The Church-State Dispute over Education in Mexico from Carranza to Cárdenas,”The Americas,Vol.21,No.2,Oct.1964,pp.178-179.
③Jean A.Meyer,“An Idea of Mexico:Catholics in the Revolution,”Vaughan and Lewis,eds.,The Eagle and the Virgin,pp.290-291.
④Lyle C.Brown,“Mexican Church-State Relations,1933-1940,”Journal of Church and State,Vol.6,No.2,Spring1964,pp.213-214.
⑤Albert L.Michaels,“The Modification of the Anti-Clerical Nationalism of the Mexican Revolution by General Lázaro Cárdenas and Its Relationship to the Church-State Detente in Mexico,”The Americas,Vol.26,No.1,Jul.1969,p.43.
⑥Brown,“Mexican Church-State Relations,1933-1940,”pp.218-221.
⑦Knight,“Popular Culture and the Revolutionary State in Mexico,1910-1940,”pp.393-444;Alan Knight,“The Ideology of the Mexican Revolution,1910-40,”Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe,Vol.8,No.1,Enero-Junio,1997,pp.77-109.
①Meyer,The Cristero Rebellion,pp.207-217.
②关于这一问题的详细论述参见Jennie Purnell,Popular Movements and State Formation in Revolutionary Mexico:The Agraristas and Cristeros of Michoacán,Durham and London:Duke University Press,1999;Matthew Butler,Popular Piety and Political Identity in Mexico's Cristero Rebellion:Michoacán,1927-29,New York:Oxford University Press,2004.
③Vaughan,Cultural Politics in Revolution;Patience A.Schell,Church and State Education in Revolutionary Mexico City,Tucson:University of Arizona Press,2003,pp.1-20,175-195.
④Reich,Mexico's Hidden Revolution,pp.62-63.
⑤Michaels,“The Modification of the Anti-Clerical Nationalism of the Mexican Revolution by General Lázaro Cárdenas and Its Relationship to the Church-State Detente in Mexico,”pp.50-51.