1 国际非政府组织在1910年是135个,1920年增加到214个,到1930年则增加到375个。入江昭:《全球共同体》,刘青等译,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2009年,第24页。
2 Herbert Croly,“The Human Potential in Pacific Politics,”John B.Condliffe,ed.,Problems of the Pacific:Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu,Hawaii,July 15 to 29,1927,Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1928,p.578.
3 张静:《中国太平洋国际学会研究》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2012年;王美平:《太平洋国际学会与东北问题——中、日学会的交锋》,《近代史研究》2008年第2期;欧阳军喜:《中国太平洋国际学会简史》,《太平洋学报》2010年第8期;王连捷:《张学良与太平洋国际学会——兼论〈田中奏折〉的真伪》,《徐州师范大学学报》2011年第5期。
4 John N.Thomas,The Institute of Pacific Relations:Asian Scholars and American Politics,Seattle:University of Washington Press,1974;Paul F.Hooper,“The Institute of Pacific Relations and the Origins of Asian and Pacific Studies,”Pacific Affairs,Vol.61,No.1,Spring 1988,pp.98-121;Paul F.Hooper,ed.,Rediscovering the IPR:Proceedings of the First International Research Conference on the Institute of Pacific Relations,Center for Arts and Humanities,University of Hawaii at Manoa,1994;Tomoko Akami,Internationalizing the Pacific:The United States,Japan and the Institute of Pacific Relations in War and Peace,1919-1945,London and New York:Routledge,2002;Michael Richard Anderson,Pacific Dreams:The Institute of Pacific Relations and the Struggle for the Mind of Asia,Ph.D.Diss.,The University of Texas at Austin,2009.
1 Woodrow Wilson,New Democracy:Presidential Messages,Addresses,and Other Papers(1913-1917),edited by Ray Stannard Baker and William E.Dodd,New York:Harper,1926,Vol.2,p.408.
2 Chester H.Rowell,“American Sentiment on Problems of the Pacific,”Institute of Pacific Relations,ed.,Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu Session,June 30-July 14,1925:History,Organization,Proceedings,Discussions,and Addresses,Honolulu,Hawaii,1925,p.103.
3 William Henry Seward,“Survey of the Arctic and Pacific Oceans,”July 29,1852,George E.Baker,ed.,The Works of William Henry Seward,New York:Redfield,1853-1884,Vol.1,p.250.
4 Howard Beale,Theodore Roosevelt and the Rise of America to World Power,Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1956,pp.172,174.
5 Croly,“The Human Potential in Pacific Politics,”Condliffe,ed.,Problems of the Pacific:Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu,Hawaii,July 15 to 29,1927,p.582.
1 Tomoko Akami,“The Rise and Fall of a‘Pacific Sense’,”Hooper,ed.,Rediscovering the IPR,p.12.
2 Croly,“The Human Potential in Pacific Politics,”Condliffe,ed.,Problems of the Pacific:Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu,Hawaii,July 15 to 29,1927,pp.582-583.
3 “History and Organization,”Institute of Pacific Relations,ed.,Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu Session,June30 -July 14,1925,pp.11-13.
4 其中包括曾担任日本基督教青年会干事、时任太平洋沿岸种族关系调查局主任的约翰·戴维斯(John Merle Davis),曾在印度和法国基督教青年会工作的爱德华·卡特(Edward Carter),纽约麦卡琴航运公司老板詹姆斯·斯皮尔斯(James Speers),斯坦福大学校长雷·威尔伯(Ray Lyman Wilbur),马萨诸塞州克拉克大学政治学和远东问题专家乔治·布莱克斯利(George Blakeslee),哈佛大学讲师、中国问题专家斯坦利·亨培克(Stanley Hornbeck),哈佛大学历史系教授兼《外交事务》杂志主编阿奇博尔德·库立奇(Archibald Coolidge),前美国驻印度贸易专员、太平洋贸易专家查尔斯·巴彻尔德(Charles Batchelder),纽约社会与宗教研究所执行干事盖伦·费希尔(Galen Fisher),哥伦比亚大学历史学家詹姆斯·肖特维尔(James Shotwell),哈佛大学国际法教授乔治·威尔逊(George G.Wilson),美国前驻日大使罗兰·莫里斯(Roland Morris),长期在日本宣教的著名传教士西德尼·古立克(Sidney Gulick),基督教青年会世界协会总干事约翰·穆德和美国亚洲协会的亨利·穆尔(Henry Moore)等。
5 “History and Organization,”Institute of Pacific Relations,ed.,Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu Session,June30 -July 14,1925,pp.19-21.
6 太平洋国际学会的英文名为Institute of Pacific Relations,直译为“太平洋关系学会”,但当时的中国报刊最初称其为“太平洋国交讨论会”,从1931年开始称之为“太平洋国际学会”,本文据此译为“太平洋国际学会”。
7 Institute of Pacific Relations,ed.,Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu Session,June 30-July 14,1925,pp.135-140.
1 Institute of Pacific Relations,ed.,Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu Session,June 30-July 14,1925,Contents.
2 《太平洋国交讨论会“永久组织”委员会纪录》,《青年进步》第86册,1925年10月,第107页。
3 “Appendix III:Constitution of the Institute of Pacific Relations,”John B.Condliffe,ed.,Problems of the Pacific:Proceedings of the Third Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations,Nara and Kyoto,Japan,23 October-9 November 1929,Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1930,p.607.
4 Summary of Round-Table Discussions:“Diplomatic Relations in the Pacific,”Condliffe,ed.,Problems of the Pacific:Proceedings of the Third Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations,Nara and Kyoto,Japan,23 October-9 November 1929,p.212.
1 J.M.Davis,“Preface,”Condliffe,ed.,Problems of the Pacific:Proceedings of the Third Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations,Nara and Kyoto,Japan,23 October-9 November 1929,p.v.
2 Frank C.Atherton,“The Purpose of the Institute of Pacific Relations,”Institute of Pacific Relations,ed.,Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu Session,June 30-July 14,1925,pp.55-57.
3 Croly,“The Human Potential in Pacific Politics,”Condliffe,ed.,Problems of the Pacific:Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu,Hawaii,July 15 to 29,1927,pp.578-579.
4 T.Z.Koo,“A Chinese View of Pacific Relations,”Institute of Pacific Relations,ed.,Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu Session,June 30-July 14,1925,p.68.
5 Quoted in Anderson,Pacific Dreams,p.39.
6 Atherton,“The Purpose of the Institute of Pacific Relations,”Institute of Pacific Relations,ed.,Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu Session,June 30-July 14,1925,p.56.
7 Hall to Hon.S.L.Amery,2 August 1925,A981/1/Org93,Australian Archives.Quote in Akami,“The Rise and Fall of a‘Pacific Sense’,”Hooper,ed.,Rediscovering the IPR,p.16.
1 Dean,“The Approach to Pacific Problems,”Institute of Pacific Relations,ed.,Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu Session,June 30-July 14,1925,pp.46-47.
2 《太平洋国际学会工作之概况》,刘驭万编:《最近太平洋问题:太平洋国际学会第四届大会报告书》,上海:中国太平洋国际学会,1932年,上卷,第230页。《太平洋国际学会工作之概况》为The Handbook of the Institute of the Pacific Relations的译文。
3 Dean,“The Approach to Pacific Problems,”Institute of Pacific Relations,ed.,Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu Session,June 30-July 14,1925,p.46.
4 Chester H.Rowell,“American Sentiment on Problems of the Pacific,”Institute of Pacific Relations,ed.,Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu Session,June 30-July 14,1925,p.103.
5 Summary of Roundtable Discussions on the New Diplomacy,Condliffe,ed.,Problems of the Pacific,Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu,Hawaii July 15 to 29,1927,pp.163-165.
6 Edgar E.Robinson and Paul C.Edwards,eds.,The Memoirs of Ray Lyman Wilbur,Stanford,Calif.:Stanford University Press,1960,p.320.
7 Dean,“The Approach to Pacific Problems,”Institute of Pacific Relations,ed.,Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu Session,June 30-July 14,1925,pp.46,49.
1 Atherton,“The Purpose of the Institute of Pacific Relations,”Institute of Pacific Relations,ed.,Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu Session,June 30-July 14,1925,p.58.
2 余日章:《中国在国际间之地位》,《青年进步》第73册,1924年5月,第4页。
3 《联太平洋会议开会之沪讯》,《申报》1925年2月10日,第14版。
4 《太平洋国际学会工作之概况》,刘驭万编:《最近太平洋问题:太平洋国际学会第四届大会报告书》,上卷,第223页。
1 “The Studies of International Affairs in the Pacific Area,”IPR Notes,No.5,June 1936,pp.5-31.Quoted in Paul F.Hooper,“A Brief History of the Institute of Pacific Relations,”Hooper,ed.,Rediscovering the IPR,p.136.
2 “Appendix 1:IPR Conferences,”Akami,Internationalizing the Pacific,pp.282-283.
3 Davis,“Preface,”Condliffe,ed.,Problems of the Pacific:Proceedings of the Third Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations,Nara and Kyoto,Japan,23 October-9 November 1929,p.vii.
4 陈立庭:《序言》,刘驭万编:《最近太平洋问题:太平洋国际学会第四届大会报告书》,上卷,第4-5页。
5 American Council of the Institute of Pacific Relations,Annual Report of the American Council of the Institute of Pacific Relations,1940-1941,New York,1942,p.24.
6 Summary of Roundtable Discussions on the New Diplomacy,Condliffe,ed.,Problems of the Pacific:Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu,Hawaii,July 15 to 29,1927,p.162.
7 American Council of the Institute of Pacific Relations,Annual Report of the American Council of the Institute of Pacific Relations,1938,New York,1939,pp.2-3.
1 详情可参阅美国理事会年报。American Council of the Institute of Pacific Relations,Annual Report of the American Council of the Institute of Pacific Relations,1934-1941,New York,1935-1942.
2 《太平洋国际学会工作之概况》,刘驭万编:《最近太平洋问题:太平洋国际学会第四届大会报告书》,第229-230页。
3 Robinson and Edwards,eds.,The Memoirs of Ray Lyman Wilbur,p.324.
4 Akira Iriye,“Forward,”Akami,Internationalizing the Pacific,p.xii.
5 J.M.Davis,“Forword,”Condliffe,ed.,Problems of the Pacific:Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu,Hawaii,July 15 to 29,1927,p.vi.
1 Davis,“Preface,”Condliffe,ed.,Problems of the Pacific:Proceedings of the Third Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations,Nara and Kyoto,Japan,23 October-9 November 1929,p.vi.
2 John N.Thomas,The Institute of Pacific Relations:Asian Scholars and American Politics,Seattle:University of Washington Press,1974,p.7.
1 IPR Publications on the Pacific:1925-1952,New York:International Secretariat of the Institute of Pacific Relations,1953,pp.101-102.
2 Akami,Internationalizing the Pacific,p.284.
1 IPR in Wartime:Report of the American Council of the Institute of Pacific Relations,1942-1943,New York:American Council of the Institute of Pacific Relations,1943,p.8.Quoted in Hooper,“A Brief History of the Institute of Pacific Relations,”Hooper,ed.,Rediscovering the IPR,pp.126-127.
2 Akami,Internationalizing the Pacific,p.257.
3 Paul F.Hooper,“The Institute of Pacific Relations and the Origins of Asian and Pacific Studies,”Pacific Affairs,Vol.61,No.1,Spring 1988,p.115.
4 Anderson,Pacific Dreams,p.60.
1 T.A.Bisson,“Chinas Part in a Coalition War,”Far Eastern Survey,Vol.12,No.14,July 14,1943,pp.135-141.引文引自第139、40、141页。
1 Croly,“The Human Potential in Pacific Politics,”Condliffe,ed.,Problems of the Pacific:Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu,Hawaii,July 15 to 29,1927,p.590.
2 Akami,Internationalizing the Pacific,p.94.
3 Anderson,Pacific Dreams,p.52.
4 此为美国理事会成员、华尔街银行家杰罗姆·格林(Jerome D.Greene)在1927年檀香山会议上发言时对外国投资在国际关系上扮演的角色的评价,这一评价也可用在太平洋学会身上。Jerome D.Greene,“The Role of the Banker in International Relations,”Condliffe,ed.,Problems of the Pacific:Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu,Hawaii,July 15 to 29,1927,p.450.
5 此为普林斯顿大学教授雅各布·瓦伊纳(Jacob Viner)的评语,后被洛克菲勒基金会1943年年报所采用。Anderson,Pacific Dreams,p.11.
6 IPR Publications on the Pacific:1925-1952.
7 由太平洋学会组织或资助的经典研究主要有:J.Lossing Buck,Land Utilization in China,Shanghai:The Commercial Press,Ltd.,1937;George McT.Kahin,Nationalism and Revolution in Indonesia,Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1952;Felix M.Keesing,Modern Samoa:Its Government and Changing Life,London:G.Allen and Unwin,Ltd.,1934;Owen Lattimore,Inner Asian Frontiers of China,London:Oxford University Press,1940;E.Herbert Norman,Japans Emergence as a Modern State,New York:Secretariat of the Institute of Pacific Relations,1940;Ricard H.Tawney,Land and Labor in China,London:G.Allen and Unwin,Ltd.,1932.
1 此为包大可(A.Doak Barnett)对费正清思想的总结。Paul A.Cohen and Merle Goldman,eds.,Fairbank Remembered,John K.Fairbank Center for East Asian Research,Harvard University,1992,p.179.
2 Hooper,“The Institute of Pacific Relations and the Origins of Asian and Pacific Studies,”pp.98-99.该文对太平洋国际学会对亚洲研究的贡献有详细的分析。
3 Fairbank to Holand,Feb.10,1987,Quoted in Hooper,“The Institute of Pacific Relations and the Origins of Asian and Pacific Studies,”p.99.
4 《蒋主席演说太平洋会性质》(南京十四日下午三时专电),《大公报》1931年9月15日,第4版。
5 《太平洋国际学会第四届大会》,刘驭万编:《最近太平洋问题:太平洋国际学会第四届大会报告书》,上卷,第4页。
6 《太平洋国际学会第四届大会》,刘驭万编:《最近太平洋问题:太平洋国际学会第四届大会报告书》,上卷,第3-4页。
7 Croly,“The Human Potential in Pacific Politics,”Condliffe,ed.,Problems of the Pacific:Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu,Hawaii,July 15 to 29,1927,p.586.
8 Dean,“The Approach to Pacific Problems,”Institute of Pacific Relations,ed.,Institute of Pacific Relations,Honolulu Session,June 30-July 14,1925,p.49.
1 Emily S.Rosenberg,“Revisiting Dollar Diplomacy:Narratives of Money and Manliness,”Diplomatic History,Vol.2,No.2,Spring 1998,p.155.
2 爱德华·W·萨义德:《东方学》,王宇根译,北京:三联书店,1999年,第12-13页。