1 For the contrasting views in Britain on the French Revolution,see H.T.Dickinson,“The Impact of the French Revolution in Britain”,Contemporary Review,255(1989),20-26;H.T.Dickinson,“Counter-revolution in Britain in the1790s”,Tijdschrift Voor Geschiedenis,102(1989),354-367;H.T.Dickinson,British Radicalism and the French Revolution1789-1815(Oxford,1985);and the various essays in Britain and the French Revolution 1789-1815,ed.H.T.Dickinson,(London,1989).
1 The Correspondence of Edmund Burke,ed.T.W.Copeland et al(10 vols.,Cambridge,1958-70),vi,10.To the Earl of Charlemont,9 Aug.1789.Hereafter cited as Burkes Corr.
2 John Ehrman,The Younger Pitt(London,1983),ii,4.
3 Historical Manuscripts Commission,J.B.Fortescue Mss(London,1894),ii,97.William Eden,Lord Auckland,to William Grenville,13 June 1791.
4 F.P.Lock,Burkes Reflections on the Revolution in France(London,1985),chap.5.
1 Edmund Burke,“An Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs”,in The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke(Bohn edition,6 vols.,London,1854-56),iii,14.Hereafter cited as Burkes Works.
2 John Bowles,The Dangers of a Premature Peace(London,1795),p.12.
3 Arthur Young,The Example of France,A Warning to Britain(London,1793),pp.12-13.
4 “An Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs”,Burkes Works,iii,13.
5 Richard Watson,An Address to the People of Great Britain(London,1798),pp.29-30.
6 William Vincent,A Sermon...Preached before the Associated Volunteer Companies(London,1799),pp.14,22.
7 George Hill,Instructions Offered by the Present War,to the People of Great Britain(Edinburgh,1793),p.23.
8 Emily Lorraine de Montluzin,The Anti-Jacobins 1798-1800(London,1988),p.6.See also William Playfair,The History of Jacobinism(London,1795).
9 “Remarks on the Policy of the Allies”,Burkes Works,iii,417.
“A Letter to a Member of the National Assembly”,Burkes Works,ii,529.
“Letters on a Regicide Peace”,Burkes Works,v,207.
1 See Emily Lorraine de Montluzin,The Anti-Jacobins 1798-1800,pp.16-17;and Bernard N.Schilling,Conservative England and the Case against Voltaire(New York,1950),pp.218-277.
2 See,for example,John Robison,Proofs of a Conspiracy against All the Religions and Governments of Europe,Carried on in the,Secret Meetings of Free Masons,Illuminati and Reading Societies(London,1797);and Rev.Lewis Hughes,Historical View of the Rise,Progress and Tendency of the Principles of Jacobinism(1799).
3 John Bowles,Reflections at the Conclusion of the War(2nd edn.,London,1801),pp.60-61.See also the“Portrait of a Jacobin”in Betty Bennett,British War Poetry in the Age of Romanticism:1793-1815(New York,1976),p.162.
4 Burkes Corr.,viii,130.To William Smith,29 Jan.1795.
5 “Thoughts on French Affairs”,Burkes Works,iii,349;and John Bowles,The Dangers of a Premature Peace,p.14.
6 “An Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs”,Burkes Works,iii,10;The Anti-Jacobin Review,i(1798),4-5;and the British Critic,xii(1798),427.
7 “Letters on a Regicide Peace”,Burkes Works,v,304-305.
8 William Vincent,A Sermon...Preached before the Associated Volunteer Companies,p.20.
1 Burkes Corr.,vi,141.To Charles-Alexandre de Calonne,25 Oct.1790.
2 “Reflections on the Revolution in France”,Burkes Works,ii,284.
3 Burkes Reflections were,in large measure,a reaction to Richard Prices celebrated lecture to the Revolution Society on
4 November 1789.This lecture,A Discourse on the Love of Our Country,with its radical and pro-French Revolution sentiments,was published early in 1790 and went through six editions before the end of the year.
4 Burkes Corr.,vii,219.To Grenville,10 Sept.1792.
5 J.C.D.Clark,English Society 1688-1832(Cambridge,1985),pp.199-276;Ian R.Christie,Stress and Stability in Late Eighteenth-Century Britain(Oxford,1984);H.T.Dickinson,Liberty and Property(London,1977),pp.270-318;J.A.W.Gunn,Beyond Liberty and Property(Kingston and Montreal,1983),pp.164-193;and Thomas Philip Schofield,“Conservative Political Thought in Britain in Response to the French Revolution”,Historical Journal,29(1986),601-622.
6 Gayle Trusdel Pendleton,“English Conservative Propaganda during the French Revolution,1789-1802”,unpublished Ph.D.thesis(Emory University,U.S.A.,1976),pp.160-171;and Gayle Trusdel Pendleton,“Towards a Bibliography of the Reflections and Rights of Man Controversy”,Bulletin of Research in the Humanities,85(1982),65-103.
7 Susan Pedersen,“Hannah More Meets Simple Simon:Tracts,Chapbooks,and Popular Culture in Late EighteenthCentury England”,Journal of British Studies,25(1986),84-113.
8 Robert Hole,“British Counter-Revolutionary Popular Propaganda in the 1790s”,in Britain and Revolutionary France:Conflict,Subversion and Propaganda,ed.Colin Jones(Exeter,1983),pp.53-69.
1 H.T.Dickinson,“Popular Conservatism and Militant Loyalism 1789-1815”,in Britain and the French Revolution,ed.,H.T.Dickinson,p.110;Marilyn Butler,Jane Austen and the War of Ideas(Oxford,1975),pp.88-123;Betty T.Bennett,British War Poetry in the Age of Romanticism:1793-1815;and Herbert M.Atherton,“The British Defend Their Constitution in Political Cartoons and Literature”,in Studies in Eighteenth Century Culture,II,ed.Harry C.Payne(Madison,Wisconsin,1982),pp.3-31.
2 Nancy Uhlar Murray,“The Influence of the French Revolution on the Church of England and Its Rivals,1789-1802”,unpublished D.Phil thesis(Oxford University,1975),pp.44-79,108-109,122-123,212-307;John Walsh,“Methodism at the End of the Eighteenth Century”,in A History of the Methodist Church in Great Britain,eds.Rupert Davies and Gordon Rupp(London,1965),i,303-308;and Deryck Lovegrove,“English Evangelical Dissent and the European Conflict 1789-1815”,in Studies in Church History,xx(1983),266.
3 See,for example,A Serious Caution to the Poor(London,1792);William Paley,Reasons for Contentment,Addressed to the Labouring Part of the British Public(London,1793);Advice to Sundry Sorts of People,by Job Nott(London,1792);and A Few Plain Questions and a Little Honest Advice to the Working People of Great Britain(London,1792).
1 Arthur Young,The Example of France,a Warning to Britain(London,1793),p.44 note.
2 Sir William Ashursts Charge to the Grand Jury of Middlesex(London,1792);A Few Plain Questions to the Working People of Scotland(Edinburgh,1792),pp.8-9,11;The Englishmans Catechism(London,1792));and Thoughts on the New and Old Principles of Political Obedience(London,1793),p.32.
3 Facts,Reflections,and Queries,Submitted to the Consideration of the Associated Friends of the People(Edinburgh,1792),p.28.
4 Susan Pedersen,“Hannah More Meets Simple Simon:Tracts,Chapbooks,and Popular Culture in Late EighteenthCentury England”,Journal of British Studies,25(1986),84-113.
5 For loyalist activities see Robert R.Dozier,For King,Constitution,and Country:The English Loyalists and the French Revolution(Lexington,1983);H.T.Dickinson,“Popular Conservatism and Militant Loyalism 1789-1815”,in Britain and the French Revolution 1789-1815,ed.H.T.Dickinson,pp.103-125;and H.T.Dickinson,“Popular Loyalism in Britain in the 1790s”,in The Transformation of Political Culture:England and Germany in the Late Eighteenth Century,ed.Eckhart Hellmuth(Oxford,1990),pp.503-533.
6 For a recent assessment of the extent of the governments repressive measures,see Clive Emsley,“An Aspect of Pitts Terror:Prosecutions for Sedition during the 1790s”,Social History,6(1981),155-184;and Clive Emsley,“Repression,‘Terror’and the Rule of Law in England during the Decade of the French Revolution”,English Historical Review,100(1985),801-825.
1 William Cobbett,The Parliamentary History of England,xxix(1816),826.
2 T.C.W.Blanning,The Origins of the French Revolutionary Wars(London,1986),pp.131-159;and Michael Duffy,“British Policy in the War against Revolutionary France”,in Britain and Revolutionary France,ed.Colin Jones,pp.11-26.
3 William Cobbett,The Parliamentary History of England,xxx(1817),255.
4 Gayle Trusdel Pendleton,“English Conservative Propaganda during the French Revolution,1789-1802”,pp.176,407 -414,442-448;and Nancy Uhlar Murray,“The Influence of the French Revolution on the Church of England and Its Rivals,1789-1802”,pp.28-35.
5 See,for example,The Alarm,Being Britannias Address to Her People(London,1793);[William Jones,]One PennyWorth More(London,1793);Ten Minutes Reflection on the Late Events in France(London,1793);An Antidote against French Politics(London,1793);[Rev.Dr.Hawkes,]An Appeal to the People of England,on the Subject of the French Revolution(Bath,1794);George Hill,Instructions Afforded by the Present War,to the People of Great Britain;and R.B.Nickolls,The Duty of Supporting and Defending Our Country and Constitution(York,1793).On the reaction to Napoleons threat to Britain,see The Warning Drum.The British Home Front Faces Napoleon,eds.Frank J.Klingsberg and Sigurd B.Hustredt(Los Angeles,1944);and Betty T.Bennett,British War Poetry in the Age of Romanticism:1793-1815.
6 British Critic,xii(1798),552.
1 George Hill,Instructions Afforded by the Present War,to the People of Great Britain,p.6.
2 William Vincent,A Sermon...Preached before the Associated Volunteer Companies,p.10.
3 Rev.William Agutter,An Address to Every Subject on the Late Important Victories(London,1798),p.3.
4 Thomas Hardy,Fidelity to the British Constitution,the Duty and Interest of the People(Edinburgh,1794),pp.33-34.
5 British Library.Loan 57/107.Dundas to Richmond,8 July 1793.
6 Public Record Office.Foreign Office Papers.FO 72/27.William Grenville to St.Helens,9 Aug.1793.
7 The Letters of GeorgeⅢ,ed.Bonamy Dobrée(London,1935),p.256.
8 W.R.Fryer,Republic or Restoration in France?1794-7(Manchester,1965);Harvey Mitchell,The Underground War against Revolutionary France(Oxford,1965);and Maurice Hutt,Chouannerie and Counter-Revolution(2 vols.,Cambridge,1983).
9 Michael Duffy,“tish Policy in the War against Revolutionary France”,in Britain and Revolutionary France,ed.Colin Jones,pp.14-16.
1 Gayle Trusdel Pendleton,“English Conservative Propaganda during the French Revolution,1789-1802”,pp.411,414.
2 “Letters on a Regicide Peace”,Burkes Works,v,164.
3 Burkes Corr.,vii,437.To the Duke of Portland,29 Sept.1793.
4 Ibid.,vii,517-518.To Loughborough,12 Jan.1794.
5 “A Letter to a Member of the National Assembly”,Burkes Works,ii,529.
6 “A Letter to a Member of the National Assembly”,Burkes Works,ii,529;and Burkes Corr.,vii,167.To the Abbe de La Bintinaye,3 Aug.1792.
7 Burkes Corr.,viii,104.To William Windham,30 Dec.1794.
8 John Bowles,The Real Grounds of the Present War with France(2nd.edn.,London,1793),p.21;and John Bowles,The Dangers of a Premature Peace,pp.13-14.
9 The Anti-Jacobin Review,i(July 1798),28.
John Bowles,Reflections at the Conclusion of the War,p.9.
John Bowles,Objections to the Continuance of the War Examined and Refuted(2nd edn.,London,1794),pp.71-72.
Burkes Corr.,vii,389.To the Comte de Mercy-Argenteau,c.6 Aug.1793.
1 Ibid.,vi,317,414,423.To Richard Burke,5 Aug.and 26 Sept.1791;and to the Chevalier de La Bintinaye,2Oct.1791.
2 William Wickham,Correspondence of William Wickham(2 vols.,London,1870),ii,6.