The Relationship between CPI and PPP:An International Panel Data Study
收稿日期: 年卷(期)页码:2016,207(06):-49-59
Journal Name:Journal of Sichuan University (Social Science Edition)
Key words:
(1)World Bank,Measuring the Real Size of the World Economy:The Framework,Methodology,and Results of the International Comparison Program(ICP),Washington,D.C.,2012,pp.3-5.
(1)D.S.Prasada Rao,“Integration of CPI and PPP:Methodological Issues,Feasibility and Recommendations,”Joint World Bank-OECD Seminar on PPP,Washington,D.C.,January 2001,pp.1-26;L.Biggeri and T.Laureti,“Are Integration and Comparison Between CPIs and PPPs Feasible?”in L.Biggeri and G.Ferrari,eds.,Price Indexes in Time and Space:Methods and Practice,Berlin Heidelberg:Physica-Verlag,A Springer Company,2010,pp.3-24.
(2)World Bank,Global Purchasing Power Parities and Real Expenditures:2005 International Comparison Program,Washington,D.C.,2008,pp.3-9.
(3)Rao,“Integration of CPI and PPP,”pp.1-26;孙振:《对CPI与PPP进行有效整合》,《中国统计》2005年第9期;Biggeri and Laureti,“Are Integration and Comparison Between CPIs and PPPs Feasible?”pp.3-24。
(4)Kantilal Munnsad,“ICP Africa 2005:Integration of ICP with Country CPIs and National Accounts,”The African Statistical Journal,Vol.5,November 2007,pp.105-116.
(5)Nicholas N.N.Nsowah-Nuamah and E.Asuo Afram,“Can We Collect Prices on the ICP Products and Integrate with CPI Prices to Compute Inflation?”Paper presented at the Consumer Price Index Conference Jointly Organized by UNECE and ILO,Geneva,May 7-9,2008.
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(9)World Bank,Measuring the Real Size of the World Economy,p.25.
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(4)世界银行是依据人均国民总收入(GNI per capita)对世界各国进行分组的,该收入标准随着经济发展每年都有所调整。
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(7)Maddala and Wu,“A Comparative Study of Unit Root Tests with Panel Data and a New Sample Test,”pp.631-652.
(1)Pedroni,“Critical Values for Cointegration Tests in Heterogeneous Panels with Multiple Regressions,”pp.653-670.
(2)P.Phillips and B.Hansen,“Statistical Inference in Instrumental Variables Regression with I(1)Processes,”Review of Economic Studies,Vol.57,No.1,1990,pp.99-125;C.Kao and M.H.Chiang,“On the Estimation and Inference of a Cointegrated Regression in Panel Data,”Advances in Econometrics,Vol.15,No.1,1997,pp.109-141.
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(4)汇率传递效应(Exchange rate pass-through effect)也称为汇率传递弹性(Exchange rate pass-through elasticity),是指汇率每变动1%所带来的以进口国货币标价的进口价格变化的百分比,这是《新帕尔格雷夫货币金融大辞典》界定的狭义汇率传递效应。
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