The Characteristics of Byzantine Occult in the 12th Century and Its Political Functions
收稿日期: 年卷(期)页码:2015,199(04):-87-94
Journal Name:Journal of Sichuan University (Social Science Edition)
Key words:
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5 Poinsot,The Encyclopedia of Occult Sciences.
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2 Henry Maguire,Byzantine Magic,Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1995.
3 Magdalino and Mavroudi,The Occult Sciences in Byzantium.
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4 Richard Greenfield,“Sorcery and Politics at the Byzantine Court in the Twelfth Century:Interpretations of History,”in Roderick Beaton and Charlotte Roueche,eds.,The Making of Byzantine History,Aldershot:Variorum,1991,p.78.
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1 参见Sarah B.Pomeroy,Goddesses,Whores,Wives,and Slaves:Women in Classical Antiquity,New York:Schocken Books,1975,p.33;B.A.Norita Dalene Dobyns,Power,Performance and the Pythia:The Political Use of Delphic Oracles,A Thesis Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in the Graduate School of the Ohio State University,2005;徐媛媛:《德尔斐神谕研究》,博士学位论文,南开大学历史文化学院,2010年,第五章第一节。
2 Choniatēs,O City of Byzantium,Annals of Niketas Choniatēs,p.84.
3 Pausanias,Description of Greece,trans.by W.H.S.Jones,The Loeb Classical Library,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,London:W.Heinemann,1933,3.17.5.
4 Choniatēs,O City of Byzantium,Annals of Niketas Choniatēs,pp.84-85.
5 Α.Καρπóζηλο,ΒυζαντινοΙστορικοκαιΧρονογρα'φοι,τóμοΓ'(11ο-12οαι.),Αθη'να:ΕκδóσειΚανα'κη,2009,pp.30-40.
6 Greenfield,“Sorcery and Politics at the Byzantine Court in the Twelfth Century:Interpretations of History,”in Beaton and Roueche,eds.,The Making of Byzantine History,p.78.
7 Maria Mavroudi,“Occult Science and Society in Byzantium:Considerations for Future Research,”in Magdalino and Mavroudi,The Occult Sciences in Byzantium,p.58.
8 Paul Magdalino,“Occult Science and Imperial Power in Byzantine History and Historiography(9th-12th Centuries),”in Magdalino and Mavroudi,The Occult Sciences in Byzantium,p.141.
9 Choniatēs,O City of Byzantium,Annals of Niketas Choniatēs,p.124
Magdalino and Mavroudi,The Occult Sciences in Byzantium,p.28
1 M.W.Dickie,Magic and Magicians in the Greco-Roman World,London and New York:Routledge,2001,p.243.
2 Paul Magdalino,The Empire of Manuel I Komnenos,1143-1180,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1993,pp.377-382.
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4 Choniatēs,O City of Byzantium,Annals of Niketas Choniatēs,p.96.
5 Magdalino,The Empire of Manuel I Komnenos,1143-1180,p.41.
6 Choniatēs,O City of Byzantium,Annals of Niketas Choniatēs,pp.23-24.
1 Magdalino,The Empire of Manuel I Komnenos,1143-1180,p.195
2 Magdalino,The Empire of Manuel I Komnenos,1143-1180,p.41.
3 Choniatēs,O City of Byzantium,Annals of Niketas Choniatēs,pp.161-162.
4 Choniatēs,O City of Byzantium,Annals of Niketas Choniatēs,pp.187-190.
5 陈志强:《拜占廷帝国史》,北京:商务印书馆,2006年,第271页。
6 Choniatēs,O City of Byzantium,Annals of Niketas Choniatēs,pp.55,30.
1 D.J.Geanakoplos,“Church and State in the Byzantine Empire:A Reconsideration of the Problem of Caesaropapism,”Church History,No.3,1969,p.383.
2 Magdalino,The Empire of Manuel I Komnenos,1143-1180,pp.308-309.
3 John Kinnamos,The Deeds of John and Manuel Comnenus,trans.by C.M.Brand,New York:Columbia University Press,1976,p.157;Choniatēs,O City of Byzantium,Annals of Niketas Choniatēs,p.30.
4 Kinnamos,The Deeds of John and Manuel Comnenus,p.56
5 Magdalino,The Empire of Manuel I Komnenos,1143-1180,p.277.
6 Choniatēs,O City of Byzantium,Annals of Niketas Choniatēs,pp.47-48.
7 Anna Comnena,The Alexiad of the Princess Anna Comnena,trans.by Elizabeth A.S.Dawes,London and New York:Kegan Paul,2003,pp.307-308.
1 Choniatēs,O City of Byzantium,Annals of Niketas Choniatēs,pp.82,93,83.