


Two System Transmission Price Based on Power Flow Tracing

作者:魏震波(四川大学 电气信息学院,成都 610065);刘俊勇(四川大学 电气信息学院,成都 610065);王民昆(1.四川大学 电气信息学院,成都 610065; 2. 四川省电力公司, 成都 610061);谢连芳(1.四川大学 电气信息学院,成都 610065; 2. 四川省电力公司, 成都 610061);李杨(四川大学 电气信息学院,成都 610065)

Author:Wei Zhenbo(School of Electrical Eng. and Information, Sichuan Univ., Chengdu 610065,China);Liu Junyong(School of Electrical Eng. and Information, Sichuan Univ., Chengdu 610065,China);Wang Minkun(1.School of Electrical Eng. and Information, Sichuan Univ., Chengdu 610065,China;2. Sichuan Electric Power Company, Chengdu 610061,China);Xie Lianfang(1.School of Electrical Eng. and Information, Sichuan Univ., Chengdu 610065,China;2. Sichuan Electric Power Company, Chengdu 610061,China);Li Yang(School of Electrical Eng. and Information, Sichuan Univ., Chengdu 610065,China)

收稿日期:2008-09-10          年卷(期)页码:2010,42(1):211-215


Journal Name:Advanced Engineering Sciences


Key words:power market; two system power transmission pricing;the capacity power price;virtual node;counter-flow tracing;loss node; counter-flow tracing; loss

基金项目:国家973计划资助项目 (2004CB217905)




A new approach of calculating the capacity power price of two system power transmission pricing based on complex power flow tracing was proposed. Firstly, the capacity cost of lines was computed by average increment cost method. Then the model of lossless system by adding virtual node of lines to regarding the loss as a virtual consumer was established, and the capacity cost corresponding the loss based on the MW-Mile method was calculated. The‘using degree’of lines for the consumers including the virtual ones were calculated by complex power flow tracing method, so the capacity cost and the loss of lines after lossless management were apportioned. At last, the capacity power price of real consumers were figured out accorrding to the market principle. Results of a numerical example showed that the method has a preferable ability in capacity cost reclaiming and calculation precision, and could satisfy the impartiality principle in power market. Meanwhile, it was verified that the proposed method is rational and feasible.



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