The Debates over Business Corporations in the Early Stage of the US History and Its Significance
收稿日期: 年卷(期)页码:2015,201(06):-66-76
Journal Name:Journal of Sichuan University (Social Science Edition)
Key words:
1相关论著有Pauline Maier,“The Revolutionary Origins of the American Corporation,”The William and Mary Quarterly,Vol.50,No.1,Jan.1993,pp.51-84;Oscar Handlin and Mary Flug Handlin,Commonwealth:A Study of the Role of Government in the American Economy:Massachusetts,1774-1861,New York:New York University Press,1947;John Lauritz Larson,Internal Improvement:National Public Works and the Promise of Popular Government in the Early United States,Chapel Hill,N.C.:University of North Carolina Press,2001;Gordon S.Wood,The Radicalism of the American Revolution,New York:Vintage Books,1993;韩铁:《试论美国公司法向民主化和自由化方向的历史性演变》,《美国研究》2003年第4期;韩铁:《美国公司的历史演变和现代大企业的崛起》,《南开学报》2002年增刊。
1参见Edward Digby Baltzell,Philadelphia Gentlemen:The Making of a National Upper Class,Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania Press,1979,pp.70-106.
2James Wilson,Considerations on the Bank of North-America,Philadelphia,1785,pp.19-24.
3“General Assemble,Saturday,April 1,1786,A.M.,”Pennsylvania Evening Herald,May 10,1786.
4“Miscellany.For the New-York Journal,”New-Jersey Journal,Jan.28,1792.
5William Smith,An Historical Account of the Rise,Progress and Present State of the Canal Navigation in Pennsylvania,Philadelphia,1795,pp.iii,23.
6Simon Snyder,“Message to the Senate and House of Representative of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,”Carlisle Gazette,Dec.13,1811,quoted in Andrew Schocket,Founding Corporate Power in Early National Philadelphia,DeK alb,Ill.:Northern Illinois University Press,2007,p.62.
7Edwin J.Perkins,American Public Finance and Financial Services,1700-1815,Columbus:Ohio State University Press,1994,pp.279,270.
8“For the Minerva,”Herald,Feb.18,1795.
9“The Petition of the President,Directors and Company of the Bank of New York,”New-York Packet,Sep.24,1789.
1“For the American Daily Advertiser,”DunlapsAmerican Daily Advertiser,Jan.1,1793.
2“Proceeding of the Third Session of the Ninth General,of the Freemen of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,Monday,September 5,A.M.,”Pennsylvania Evening Herald,Sep.7,1785.
3“General Assemble,Saturday,April 1,1786,A.M.”.
4Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,from the Year 1780,to 1805,Boston,1805,Vol.1,p.265.
5An Act to Establish the Navigation Canal Corporation,Boston,1818,p.1.
6“National Bank,Dec.13,1790,”New York Daily Gazette,Dec.25,1790.
7“An Act to Enable the Governor of this Commonwealth to Incorporate a Company,for Making an Artificial Road from the City of Philadelphia to the Borough of Lancaster,”Dunlaps American Daily Advertiser,Apr.18,1792.
8Willard Phillips,A Manual of Political Economy,Boston,1828,pp.181-183.
9Morton J.Horwitz,The Transformation of American Law,1780-1860,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1977,p.126.
Phillips,A Manual of Political Economy,pp.193-195,200.
“For the Massachusetts Magazine,”The Massachusetts Magazine;or,Monthly Museum,Vol.2,No.10,Oct.1790,p.598.
1R.Kent Newmyer,Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story:Statesman of the Old Republic,Chapel Hill:University of North Caroline Press,1985,p.132.
2Stephen Noyes Winslow,Biographies of Successful Philadelphia Merchants,Philadelphia:James K.Simon,1864,pp.168-169.
3Anna Schwartz,“The Beginning of Competitive Banking in Philadelphia,1782-1809,”Journal of Political Economy,Vol.55,No.5,Oct.1947,p.417.
4Handlin and Handlin,Commonwealth,p.124.
5Brutus,“For the National Gazette,No.III,on the Funding System,”National Gazette,Mar.22,1792.
6“For the City Gazette,”City Gazette,May 5,1794.
7“Messrs.Thomas Subscriber,Institution;Virginia,”Alexandria Times,Mar.19,1798.
1“Copy of a Letter from a Gentleman in New-Jersey,to His Friend in the Legislature of That State,”General Advertiser,Nov.24,1791.
2Constitution of Massachusetts 1780,http:∥www.nhinet.org/ccs/docs/ma-1780.htm.
3“Mr.Bache;Manufactories,”General Advertiser,Jan.23,1792.
4George Logan,Five Letters,Addressed to the Yeomanry of the United States,Philadelphia,1792,pp.19-20.
5Palmer v.Mulligan,3 Cai.R.307,New York(1805),http:∥www.lexisnexis.com.proxy-remote.galib.uga.edu/hottopics/lnacademic/.
6Logan,Five Letters,Addressed to the Yeomanry of the United States,pp.19-20.
7Titus Hutchinson,“Extract from an Oration Delivered at Woodstock,”Strength of the People,Aug.19,1809.
8Cathy D.Matson,“Capitalizing Hope:Economic Thought and the Early National Economy,”Journal of Early Republic,Vol.16,No.2,Summer 1996,pp.273-292.
9Brutus,“For the National Gazette,No.III,on the Funding System”.
“A Declaration of the Rights of the Inhabitants of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts(1780),”The Revised Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,Boston,1836,p.21;Virginia Bill of Rights,June 12,1776,http:∥www.constitution.org/bor/vir_bor.htm.
Caius,“Miscellany,from Philadelphia,Financier and Financial,”New Jersey Journal,Jan.18,1792.引文中黑体为原文斜体。
1Curries Administrators v.The Mutual Assurance Society,14 Va.315,Virginia(1809),http:∥www.lexisnexis.com.proxy-remote.galib.uga.edu/hottopics/lnacademic/.
2“Miscellany,House of Assembly of the State of New York,March 10,1788,”New-York Journal,Apr.14,1788.
3Hendrik Hartog,Public Property and Private Power:The Corporation of the City of New York in American Law,1730-1870,Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press,1983,p.90.
4Logan,Five Letters,Addressed to the Yeomanry of the United States,p.27.
5Logan,Five Letters,Addressed to the Yeomanry of the United States,p.12.
6“Mr.Bache;Manufactories,”General Advertiser,Jan.23,1792.
1James Sullivan,The Path to Riches,Boston,1792,pp.37-39,42-43.
2Majorian,“Miscellanies,for Thomass Massachusetts Spy,”Massachusetts Spy,Dec.15,1791.
3“Boston,December 24,”City Gazette,Jan.27,1792.
4William Peden,ed.,Notes on the State of Virginia,Chapel Hill:University of North Caroline Press,1955,p.6;Thomas Jefferson,“Project for Making the Rivanna River Navigable,”Julian P.Boyd,ed.,The Papers of Thomas Jefferson,Princeton:Princeton University Press,1950,Vol.1,pp.87-88.
5Thomas Jefferson,“Summary of Public Service,”Boyd,ed.,The Papers of Thomas Jefferson,Vol.32,2005,pp.122-123.
6Thomas Jefferson,“Sixth Annual Message,”Paul Leicester Ford,ed.,The Works of Thomas Jefferson,New York:G.P.Putnams Sons,1905,Vol.10,pp.317-318.
7“For the Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser,”Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser,Dec.22,1786.
8“For the Centinel”,Columbian Centinel,Jan.21,1792.
9“Mr.Bache;Manufactories,”General Advertiser,Jan.23,1792.
Sean Wilentz,The Rise of American Democracy:Jefferson to Lincoln,New York:W.W.Norton Company,2005,p.117.
1Bruce Laurie,Working People of Philadelphia,1800-1850,Philadelphia:Temple University Press,1980,pp.3-30.
2Wilentz,The Rise of American Democracy,p.210.
3Edward Carter II,“The Birth of a Political Economist:Mathew Carey and the Recharter Fight of 1810-1811,”Pennsylvania History,Vol.33,No.3,July 1966,pp.274-288.
4Daniel Raymond,Thoughts on Political Economy,Baltimore,1820,pp.413,429,307-318.
5Wilentz,The Rise of American Democracy,p.201.
1Wood,The Radicalism of the American Revolution,pp.340-341,358-359.
2Handlin and Handlin,Commonwealth,p.204.
3Joyce Appleby,Capitalism and a New Social Order:The Republican Vision of the 1790s,New York:New York University Press,1984,p.54;周学军:《法国革命与美国政治文化的变动》,博士学位论文,南开大学历史学院,2011年,第72页。
4James Roger Sharp,American Politics in the Early Republic:The New Nation in Crisis,New Haven:Yale University Press,1993,p.73.
5Appleby,Capitalism and a New Social Order,p.84.
6Thomas Jefferson,“Opinion of the Constitutionality of the Bill for Establishing a National Bank,”in Boyd,ed.,The Papers of Thomas Jefferson,Vol.19,1974,p.276;Thomas Jefferson,“Memoranda of Conversations with the President,Mar.11792,”in Boyd,ed.,The Papers of Thomas Jefferson,Vol.23,1990,pp.186-187.
1Appleby,Capitalism and a New Social Order,pp.73-74,90.
2James Madison,“Charters,”National Gazette,Jan.19,1792.
3Lance Banning,The Jeffersonian Persuasion:Evolution of a Party Ideology,Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1978,p.269.
4Wilentz,The Rise of American Democracy,pp.58,54.
5“Worcester,”Massachusetts Spy,Aug.14,1776.
1Schocket,Founding Corporate Power in Early National Philadelphia,p.67.
2Report of the Joint Committee of Both Houses,Commonwealth of Massachusetts,Boston,1814,p.5.
3David Ricardo,On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation,Georgetown,D.C.,1819,pp.61-67,85-107.
4“Sketch of Judge Storys Speech,”Essex Register,March 28,1821.
5Stanley N.Katz,“Republicanism and the Law of Inheritance in the American Revolutionary Era,”Michigan Law Review,Vol.76,No.1,Nov.1977,p.14.